The Aries Woman

So this post is for all of my Aries grrrls out there. If you can't figure out why you are feeling uneasy, angry and dissatisfied just maybe your significant other is not giving you Top Model status. Well tell em this is the season of the Ram and how it doesn't have to be about you all of the time (just most of it) and then to befuddle them into submission talk about how Saturn will not return to Aries for 28 years and how we are living out the best of our years and how that can only make whomever we are with that much better.
Happy Birthday Joanne, Vinita, Vanessa, Lisa, Barbara, AV, and Sena!
Aries: The Amorous Nature
If you fall in love with an Aries woman, you'll never lack for excitement. But are you the kind of man who can handle a full-blooded independent, forceful female? Because that's what Aries woman is.
This passionate, intense creature can't give a tepid response. She's a fully stocked fireplace, with logs, kindling, and paper, waiting for the touch of a match to set her on fire.
In her relations with men she is domineering. You can either accept it or leave. If you stay, you've made the first concession on a long road. At the end, you're likely to find you've been molded and shaped to fit her image of what her love should be.
What Aries woman wants, she gets. When a man meets an irresistible force like her, he tends to become a highly movable object.
She needs love and gets more than her share, but no man becomes her lord and master. She meets a man on equal terms. If he offers loyalty, she repays him in kind. If he is untrustworthy, she also repays him in kind.
In love she will be faithful, but she expects total fidelity in return. Her jealousy is rooted in possessiveness. She doesn't want a lover who has too many other interests. She wants all of him—or nothing at all.
There is an important distinction to make about her jealousy that may be useful in helping to understand her fundamental character. She isn't jealous because of a feeling of insecurity (the root cause of most jealousy, but because she has to be number one.
The Aries woman finds happiness in a long term relationship. She enjoys sharing everything with a lover and she is highly affectionate, even sentimental. She will be your staunchest ally, fight side by side with you, believe in you, encourage you. She's a marvelous companion for a man on the way up or fighting to stay at the top because she'll give him all the strength and determination she has. She's definitely ambitious.
When she does not feel she is loved she can become shrill and demanding. Above all, she won't tolerate being ignored or neglected. The straight road to perdition is a relationship with an unhappy Aries woman.
She wants to be understood and appreciated for her unique qualities. If you handle her with tact and give her the admiration she needs, this vivacious, active, mischievous, sensual, fascinating woman will do anything you ask.
Labels: love, theHotness Grrrl
My gosh I have never been able to get this across to anyone that I have dated in the past. This explanation of an Aries women like myself is the hammer on the nail.
What I want to know is what sign is compatable to me? Its great that I am this way, but I find that most men are intimidated by me.
1/28/2009 4:21 PM
Well I have to say as an aries woman, my god.. you just described me. The sad part is.. I don't think aries women are compatible with any sign really. Either we get to bored cause the person is to tame and slow or we loose interest in a person who's to demanding and aggressive (since we handle that part pretty well by our selfs). Yes lots of men find aries women intimidating.. I guess aries women will end up on a lonely path in the end, but we will have great adventures, travel around the world, do all the crazy stuff there is.. At least we will be able to give truthful and good advices to our friends about relationships, since we've probably tried it with every sign without success...
6/26/2009 3:55 PM
here here, destined to always be looking for never never! it's a true contradiction....reminds me of a scorpio hah
2/08/2010 4:44 AM
Thanks for reminding me of my wonderful personality! It's the gift God has given me, and the truth of who I am, without apology, but with strength and courage. Amen
10/26/2010 11:14 AM
Why is it that Aries women must feel like number 1 in their lovers wyes? The concept seems true with the girls I've been with but I have a lot of other things too. Of course when I'm with someone she's the only one totally on my mind all the time and she's the only one I come home to etc etc but every Aries girl seems to get so mad when I'm out too much. Especially since it seems kinda hypocritical cuz Aries women are always busy or surrounded by other men also. Why does the jealousy and possessivness show only on me? I'm a Gemini guy btw
12/02/2010 9:42 AM
Why is it that Aries women must feel like number 1 in their lovers eyes?
Because Aries women loves her man so much. She needs to feel that emotional security with absolute trust, yet also needs many (male) followers like the queen that she is. It feeds her ego. And it should feeds yours too, knowing that you are the only one that she truly loves.
my advice to aries women...
tone down the aggressiveness. men are afraid of women whom they believe can hurt them emotionally and physically---both of which the aries femme is highly capable of.
our fiery spark and aggressiveness is obvious, but it is good to keep it under control. if a man sees superwoman, he'll feel that she has no need for him and will look elsewhere.
take some tips from scorpio
12/05/2010 9:26 PM
I am married to a Aries woman for the last 15 years and still haven't learnt to handle her.
We have constant arguments and lots of fights mostly emerging from: Not giving her enough attention, Not giving her importance, Giving some other women more attention in her presence, not acknowledging etc.,
For many years now we doubt each other's loyalty and this distrust has been a major endeavour in our relationship.
I have not had an affair or sex with any other women nor i have been able to pin her down with this, though many times i feel i am being cheated upon.
She is definetly smarter than me and this also make it hard to reslise/accept reality.
Sometimes i feel she starts a fight/argument just for diversion so her doings are forgotton and the argument becomes a front/ key subject for the next couple of days.
I want to understand if she is cheating on me in retaliation cause she think i am having an affair or is she falsely blaming me so she could have her fun.
1/23/2011 2:30 AM
I know this post. It is a subsection under the chapter, "Sun Signs In Love" in a book called "The Only Astrology You'll Ever Need."
I am an Aries woman, and all of this holds true to my personality. :)
2/28/2011 2:27 AM
Being an Aries women it's crazy because in da end it seems like we would be lonely..clearly because regardless of a spouse or not were shooting for our goals with or with out you..because were soo aggressive n str8 to da point dat we dnt tolerate look at us as if we are too high maintenance wen honestly we are humans n have feelings too..we just want da better things in can be amazing in our world but wen boredom draws we look for excitement..well I feel as though we are great women who will be will understand we could just be way Dere looking for if dry try n open Dere eyes
3/07/2011 8:39 PM
hello to all Aries women and to those are in love with one of
I don't think we are all the same but I think we can see where we are alike....
I met a very nice man just before my recent birthday ( he is Aquarius) and I never dated one of "them" talked about amazing things and felt a spark right away....feeling like we have known each other since forever...almost like we were meant to be together..... an Aries comes the catch: when he is gone to visit his parents and kids on the weekend....I don't get a good morning text message or good night ( and we text all the time ) it is almost like he is in another world and I don't exist there ....Well, in the month we have known each other he spend three weekends in the city with his family....which is fine....but....don't just ignore me while you are gone....don't forget the phone at home, don't forget the charger and PLEASE don't tell me you are to busy to take 1 minute to text me at least "HI, just thought of you"
That is all I know I am still there with you no matter where you are...
Everything else is perfect....but since we are still in the beginning of building a relationship this is making me draw myself back....Maybe he is what I want...but not what I need....being an Aries. So now.....I am passing time and he is there to pass time with....but my senses are open to other people...and if someone comes along who is what I need not just what I want...I will be the Aries I am and let him go. I have given him a chance by telling him what I need and what he will have to do to keep US happy...but he does not seem to be able to understand...
so...I am stuck with the Ram inside of like all the other RAM-LADIES out there.....hahahaha
But we know how good we can be...when a man knows how to take us....LOL...maybe one day men will find out, too.....LOL
5/02/2011 8:01 AM
I'm a virgo guy and i couldn't figure out y am i so attraced to her. we went out 6yrs ago & i still get butterflies when i try to talk to her, i get on hard everytime i see her, and last and not least i blush with a HUGE SMILE on my face everytime i hear someone say her name.
Is im falling for her again or is God trying to tell me this is TRUE LOVE?
5/21/2011 11:38 PM
I am an aries woman and I like lots of space in a relationship. I would not like a man to spend every last waking moment with me cos I would got real bored and feel like i was trapped. I like my freedom and I am easy going.
5/23/2011 12:57 PM
hello aries! i'm in love with one of your kind =)
here some tips from me, tried to had relationship with a cancer man "who really-really already understand of his own black mood"
eventhou he understand of his black mood he will never win over it!
so it's your job to help him over it. but remember only if he is already understand about his own self, sensitive, and black mood.
i'm a cancer man btw =)
5/27/2011 5:38 PM
I really liked this post, i am also an Aries and I am very aggressive despite dishonesty, move at a fast pace, etc. I despite relationships that seem to lack direction and people who seem to exist without a purpose. I also despise the idea of sharing a man and am not up for it.
6/07/2011 3:14 PM
I'm a virgo guy and i couldn't figure out y am i so attraced to her. we went out 6yrs ago & i still get butterflies when i try to talk to her, i get on hard everytime i see her, and last and not least i blush with a HUGE SMILE on my face everytime i hear someone say her name.
Is im falling for her again or is God trying to tell me this is TRUE LOVE?
lol hi virgo male,
im an aries woman ys its true love awwww :) ive dated this virgo male 7yrs ago and everytime i see him he always tells me he's intimidate d by me and he doesnt know how to act around me lol i think its cute everytime i see him idk maybe im just attracted 2 his shy personality but i think he's just afraid to tell me how he really afaid to bn love because virgos likes to bn control when aries like to take control
6/10/2011 4:48 AM
I'm an aquarius male pondering the idea of dating an Aries woman.
I have spoke with her on the phone a few times and am still undecided?
She does not intimidate me! I think her sense of direction in some aspects is all over the board.
What do you women want in a man?
If an aquarius guy is going out with an aries woman, I would believe that if they don't send you an email / text every five minutes this does not mean they don't care. It just means that they are thinking about what they are involved with and thinking of you too! We don't want to disrupt your independent nature.
6/27/2011 1:08 AM
This is exactly me! I can't believe how right it is.
I need space in a relationship, I get bored easily, I need people to feed my ego, and I love my guy to make me feel like number 1.
hahahaha. :)
7/05/2011 5:03 AM
Man I don't know what yal talking bout.Aries women are THE BEST! Always exciting, you'll never get bored...and hell yeah we wanna be # 1. What you mean? What it look like letting another woman get the lime light? We don't even like other females! It's weak and Aries women are anything but weak!
7/11/2011 12:36 AM
My Aries man cheated with his co worker an aries woman. This woman knows me well and pretended to be a nice person. But when my boyfriend and I were having a fight, she took the advantages by being his best friend and invited him to a hotel for sexual intercourse. The affair lasted for a year until my boyfriend confessed to me. Now she wants my bf to be responsible because she lost her virginity to him, yet she also admit that she had sexual experiences with his friend Dwika and broke her hymen with a dildo. What makes me mad she wants us to break up so she got the chance to have a proper relationship with him. She tried to confront and dissed me by being stupid to keep him and in her mind she is considering herself as as the proper GF and I the OW. To make it worse she doesn't feel sorry at all and not ashamed
7/15/2011 10:09 PM
I am a Virgo man who has never dated an Aries woman, but I can honestly say it is the most exciting and attractive female sun sign description I have ever read. I am not at all intimidated by a strong independent woman and desire intensity more than anything else. All you Aries woman keep the fires burning high because I will be on the lookout.
7/16/2011 12:51 AM
I am a typical Aries woman, competitive, passionate, easily bored, fiery, stubborn, self assured, sexy, can be selfish at times, impatient etc etc. I have a dilemma, i have a saggitarious male who I have strong feelings for as a friend, we talk every day for up to 90 minutes, we get together when it's convenient for him and he doesn't want a relationship, do I move on or not? This has been going on for a year but the pull is there for me. He knows how I feel but I don't know whether to walk away as he cannot give me what I want. Please help!!
7/16/2011 6:04 PM
I'm an Aries woman in love with a Cancer man. We Aries sometimes tend to be so independent we forget to let men take care of us. What's wrong with that?? I'm still career driven but now I have a partner who meets me more than halfway. Ladies let your man be the man. Enjoy and let him treat you like the queen you are!! ( never ever settle, but Aries you wouldn't do that anyways ) I held out for the love of my life and I appreciate every moment with him.
7/24/2011 1:23 PM
I have an astrology blog, have posted pretty in depth profiles of several well-known Aries gals for those who might be curious:
Sun in Aries, Moon in Gemini (Hollywood legend Bette Davis)
Sun in Aries, Moon in Capricorn
(MMA Superstar Gina Carano)
8/29/2011 10:25 PM
My Aries ladies. Believe you me, I'm an Arian and I'm seeing an Aquarius man, let me tell you, they are a lot of fun. It's true that when you meet an Aquarius man, it seems that you've known each other for ages. Hey, it happened to me. Every time we go out, he almost burn out my flames. As you know, we have lots of energy, energy that never runs out. But this zodiac can sure swept off your feet.
I've dated lots of other zodiacs but Aquarius man is by far my favorite. He always have something interesting to do or talk about. They give you the freedom you needed as they need the freedom themselves. You will never be bored with an Aquarius man. From your everyday activities, to your emotion, to your sexual life, to your ego. This man can sure be the guy for an Aries ladies like us. At least we are not gonna be lonely... lol... ;-) So ladies, find yourself an Aquarius man. It's worth your search! Good luck my Arian ladies.
9/07/2011 12:58 AM
Hello Fellow Arian Ladies,
I, for one, think me being a Aries woman is the best thing since Eve in the garden (before the sin) *Smile*. But I am honestly boasting because i am a Aries :-D. Lol
I notice with myself being a Aries that I am very impatient and get bored rather easy in intimate relationships, but that is because I need for a man to keep me on my toes. I secretly, want a Man to rule the roost and protect me from all dangers in his power.
I am very sensitive due to my Pisces moon. So you could say that I am part Aries and part Pisces.
I think im one of the calmer Aries women of the Arian bunch. With many of the characters you all describe about yourself but with a twist.
With My Watery Moon making me more vulnerable to the opposite sex. and sort of passive; looking over some things that a normal aries would speak up about, until you cross me in a wrong way then my Aries side comes into play to defend my watery side, so to speak.
I am currently dating a Scorpio male. This Scorpio guy i am dating is almost indescribable in how he makes me feel & perfect for me.
He gives me the attention I need from him. He is Loyal and committed, sexy and holds my interest tremendously. I cant get enough of him and then some.
@the person who made this comment: "So ladies, find yourself an Aquarius man. It's worth your search! Good luck my Arian ladies."
I dated a Aquarius and you have to be careful with you being a Aries dating a Aquarius, hun.
Im not saying he doesn't like you, but if he doesn't you will be one of the last to know when everyone else around you know he isn't into you like you are with him.
So just look out for the signs of this, My fellow Arian sister. it will save you some heartache if he decides to break it off totally with you as lovers with a cold approach to it, which hurts. But you being a Aries, if this does happen, will bounce back in no time from him (if youre not into it to deep with him). Be careful.
9/26/2011 10:52 PM
I'm Aries and have been hurt in every romantic relationship I've ever had. I did my chart recently because I didn't know what to do anymore and found out I have a Pisces moon does that explain it? I cant take it anymore I have given so much love and I don't feel like anyone has given it back to me ever. I really struggle every day with not being bitter I try to stay happy and busy but then I have really bad days and I feel like I'll be alone forever. I seem to attract PiscEs and geminis the two biggest deceivers of the zodiac, just found that out. They seem to be drawn to me. and me to them. I don't mind being single either but I would lOve to look back and say I had one good relationship and that I got it right once. Im starting to not believe in myself and I don't like to feel weak like this not in my Aries nature. Can anyone give me a i lil insight ?
10/07/2011 3:59 AM
Wow if this ain't some shit. I knew I was destined to be by myself and its all good cuz I am proud to be an aries woman. And it is so true I can't deal with a man that its strong enough to tame me (which I don't think can be done) yet I can't let anyone talk to me direspectful. All I know is they have to be a very strong man. I think that statement that is used was an aries woman who made it up and that is what can u do for me I can't do for myself. Is being an aries woman a curse or a blessing?
10/31/2011 11:20 PM
I'm a Leo man and I'm absolutely in love with an Aries woman. We compliment each other so perfectly. We both love having plenty of space. We both love thrills and excitement. I'm her #1 fan, she's so beautiful in every way. We trust each other no matter what the other person is doing. I highly recommend Aries woman and Leo man relationships.
11/13/2011 9:55 PM
I myself am an Aries woman and this describes me in so many ways. As for my dating life, I have not gone on many dates at all. I must be going to the wrong places , because every guy that has stepped up to me, I easily sluff them off because of their over confident attitude. However, I am extremely attracted to a sagittarius man. He compliments me well, and his confidence level is perfect. I love his attitude toward things he likes and dislikes, he seems strong and loves his space , as do I. I think Sagittarius men are just my kind.
12/21/2011 2:28 PM
Hello arian, I'm aries girl, I've fall for a aries guy. He always make feel like he like me. At first I just hate him. But in the end, i fall for him. He's has a big ego. Whenever he show his feeling towards me, he never tried to talk to me, and he keep me wondering. Is he really like me? He's too slow in this relationship. ughh i hate it. So its just end up with nothing.
12/22/2011 3:52 AM
I am a mature Aries woman in love with an older mature Cancer male! Unexpectedly swept away with his charm and his smile! We met 6 months ago, instant attraction or seemingly LOVE at First sight! Whirlwind courtship!
The issue at hand seems to be my aggression and impatience for wanting to have what I want where he seems to want to take things slow! I also have issues with his lack of expression and disappearing acts (most likely into his shell)
Things had recently gotten out of control to the point of Me wanting to give up although I KNOW I love and want him to be in my life forever! When I expressed my feelings he simply shut down and shut me out! Has been a very FRUSTRATING experience...
I simply decided to walk away knowing that only time could heal whatever was going on with him/US! I was hurting and no doubt hurting him as well.
In the meantime I met this gorgeous sagitarius man! Tall, dark, handsome and sexy! Frankly He turns me on! But as fate would have it my Cancer man comes back to rekindle what we had! My heartt flutters and I have butterflies with the thought of getting back together with him...
Unbeknown to the Cancer I have dated the Sag on 3 differeent ocassions thus far! ((And as far as am concerned, none of the Cancers business because technically w e are not together))
At this point I know for sure that I am in love with my Cancer man and would drop everything at the drop of a dime if he makes decision to committ! If not I'm gonna keep the sagitarrius man on the side because he seems to know what he wants!
I am however leary of Sag because of reps with promiscuity!
For me right now it seems the best of two worlds although I know it can become complicated!
Exciting! Only fear of hurtin Sag man if Cancer man commits! Without a doubt he is the one that I desire! For sure I want my Cancer male back but only if and when he decides to fully comitt to whatever it takes to make things right!
12/26/2011 8:46 AM
I too am in the same boat. I am married to a Sagitarius man and have been for a long time. I have burnt him out (being a strong and fiery Arian woman) and he is not the same now. I fell in love with a Cancer man when younger and broke it off, he has since come back into my life and I want him back so badly :). I seem to just burn my men out, then they aren't interesting or a challenge or something. I hope my Cancer man can put just the right amount of water out to protect himself. I try hard not to be too hot but it doesn't seem to work. Ay suggestions?
12/26/2011 7:10 PM
I am an aries woman, married for 21 years to a taurus man. We divorced because he moves too slow in the relationship for me, neglects me and I am bored. He is still smitten with me.
Dated an aries. Very hot, passionate but always butting heads. we fight too much and egos clashed to where he hurt my feelings (picses moon me) so I left him reeling too. He misses this firery ram.
Aquarius male was fun but he is a selfish lover and not passionate fire like mine but it would make a good mate. If I kept him.
Moved onto Leo next and this sign suits mine right away. He seems to appreciate my fire but he is strong enough to deal with me. Very active in his pursuit of me. I cannot take to a weak man because I won't respect him long. This Leo mate will be a good match for me.
Every sign I have dated. They were all drawn to me immediately. Like moths to a flame. We arian women break some hearts. But we don't mean to. I do want to love deeply, I just want it to be appreciated and reciprocated! Leo, sagittarius, aquarius are all shown to be good mates for us
12/29/2011 3:35 AM
A Leo man and a Aries woman is PERFECTION.
1/03/2012 2:25 PM
I am in aries woman.true said...
I just want Loyality and LOVE
1/08/2012 6:50 PM
I'm an Aries woman. Strong, passionate and independent! I know what I want in life and no one can stop me from reaching my goals and dreams. I'm a true Aries. I'm honest, loyal, and faithful, but a little sweeter compare to my Aries sisters.
I'm currently in a 3 years relationship with my Sagittarius man and on to our 4th year! :)
I was in a 2 years relationship with a Capricorn. He was a very sweet guy, but he left me for someone else. He was way too religious, narrowed-minded and he just wanted to marry someone in his own race.
After that relationship, I was in a 5 years relationship with a Cancer man. He was funny and understanding, but things just didn't work out between us. We had so many differences. He didn't have any ambitions and goals. He was crabby, a downer and boring. He didn't really think about his future, which was a turn
off for me. He ended the relationship, because I was probably too much to handle and it was also because of another girl. He broke my heart, but I stayed strong and moved on.
Looking back, I would have been very miserable in those relationships! Too many differences. Both are not loyal, trustworthy and sincere. Those are the things I value a lot in a relationship. Til this day, both want me back. Sorry to say, once you walk out of my life, you're going to stay out of my life.
Anyways, I'm happy things ended the way it did. Everything happens for a reason. If it didn't end the way it did, I wouldn't have met my Sagittarius man and gave birth to our two beautiful daughters! He's truly my adrenaline rush, my best friend, lover and soul mate. He keeps me wanting more. He's a true Sag man that keeps me on my toes and I, a true Aries woman definitely keep him on his toes! <3
1/13/2012 3:47 AM
Damm Ive fallen for an Aries women... Can't get her outta my head, first and last person I think of for the last month almost to the point of obsession.... Driving me mad I'm a Scorpio and am quiet relentless in my affection for her oh what to do .... I've told her she is all I think of. my mind and soul have been Infected by her damm it can't close my eyes without seeing her, and I get aggressive when we don't talk which is daily anyways. I try to stop myself from. Calling but it doesn't work
1/13/2012 12:13 PM
This description is so perfect its scary! I'm an aries woman and that is exactly how I am! :) Love to all my fellow aries woman out there. We are bunch of kind hearted people, only if people manage to look beyond our aggressive side.
1/15/2012 9:23 PM
I was born january 8 1965. Capricorn with an Aries Ascendant. Moon in Pisces. Time of birth 10 min past 11. 1965 was the year of the wood dragon. The Dragon is very much like the Aries. Here I am. A camelion. A wolf in sheeps clothing, or in my case, a sheep in wolfs clothing. Ha ha! I've been around, but in the last six years, I've been single. I've been in relationships throughout my life since 17, and it's been heart breaks one after the other. An example: I broke up with someone because my birthday card, did not have the words; To the one I love. Instead it had some lame inscription inside. Needless to say, I cried my eyes out in disappointment. My motto has always been; All or nothing. It is just me. I don't care for gossip. I can't stand two faced people, and I can't stand liers. I speak up for people who are less fortunate than me, and I am very protective. I believe no harm will come to my friends, as long as I'm their friend. Silly, I know, but somehow very true. I have a short fuse, when provoked, and I did loose one close friend last year, because she was texting on her phone every 2 min. I was livid. How could anybody be so rude to my face? Anyway, no skin of my nose. It is her loss. Btw, since I've been single, I've found true happiness.
1/17/2012 12:14 AM
I'm a young Aries adult female in love with a Virgo male & constantly pursued by relentless Leos. They seem to be attracted to strong not 'run off the mill' personalities. And they do not take 'no' for an answer.
2/21/2012 4:24 PM
I'm an Aries virgin. So to all those who say we are promiscuous, I'll be 23 this April and I have turned down sex more times than I can count.
I realised, when I was 12years old, that sex is biological and physiological and I could do it when I got my period. Everybody can do it. So, just to be the individual.. I promised I would wait until I found my true, reciprocated love. My soul mate. I have been searching this globe for him ever since. Idealistic hey? I won't give up until I find him.
I attract men with weak personalities, who enjoy my hyper energy, and I scare aggressive men away, with my childish obsessions. I haven't been in true, reciprocated love, otherwise, I would have had sex by now, because it is a natural part of epic, pure love.
I had my heart broken by a Gemini, but he was a psychological rollercoaster and I'm not going near a Gemini again. He didn't love me the way I loved him. Plus he was two faced.. You can't be dishonest in love. I couldn't get him out of my head, I wanted to fix him. Silly, he wasn't worth it and even told me so on a number of occasions.
I dated a Taurus, he was awkward and just wanted to bed me, thinking a bottle of wine and a couple of date nights will do the trick. Could be my air head remarks and blonde hair.. But you take me for a fool and you will burn honey. His ego was done for by the time I finished with him.
Then I met a Libra during my travels, it was instant infatuation - never EVER had ANYTHING like that before; chemical, mental, physical, sexual, spiritual - I was hesitating the whole night. But I didn't sleep with him - you want to know why? Because us Aries girls, we go with intuition. I parted ways with amazing Libra and he didn't want any contact. I would just be another number. I would rather DIE than be another number. And I am not afraid of dying. I bet he never had anyone turn him down. But he respected it all the same. He was pretty surprised.
So this brings me to having travelled across the world on my own, attracting all kinds of different energies, different nationalities, different social status from homeless people, drug addicts, old people, children.. I am usually found with older people. I search for my Spirit Guide. I am an open channel and I embrace it and I love it. The Universe has been so kind to me, all the lessons are to grow and learn from..
But I am very lonely. I can talk to strangers and yet keeping friends is very hard as I become intolerant and then a hermit. Might be my Ascendant in Cancer.
But Aries girls, this year is the year of meditation and balance. If we cool off before we write or speak in our anger, if we just give ourselves that time to calm down, even relationships will start to expand and grow in amazing ways. Can you feel it? I can.
If a man cannot take you as you are, and you feel him, retract a bit.. Negotiate.. Be diplomatic. If you are really working on that and still nothing.. Then he has no balls. And no balls = not a man for an Aries woman. Sorry.
My soulmate is a Leo or Libra. I summon him to me everyday. He walks this Earth and breathes the same air as I do. He likes space and time to himself, he is independent. He has Green eyes. He is mine and I am his.
I just haven't met him yet.
Peace to all the Aries girls out there. We make this planet awesome.
2/22/2012 7:09 PM
OK - I have been reading about ARIES and LEO relationships. Not all Aries and Leo relationships work. They are compatible signs, but here is why. A leo, by nature like to lead. King of the castle, ruler of the jungle. Aries is a natural born leader. There can only be one rooster in the hen house. Get my drift. Now don't get me wrong, I am an Aries woman who was with a Leo man for YEARS! It didn't work out but the sex was absof*ckinglutely AMAZING! EVERY SINGLE TIME!
That wasn't enough for me though. I needed more. For me, this article has described the epitomy of my personality in a relationship with a man. I need to be number one in your life. I need for you to express and show me this. I am very confident in myself and abilities. Most Aries do not suffer from insecurity. HOWEVER, let me think that I am not first in your life, or that at some point i am sharing what I know to be mine?? ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE! That's when the relationship is over for me. Yes, we Aries suffer from a bit of vanity. Aries normally have beautiful hair, and beautifully shaped heads, eyes, and lips. Many of of have proud strong noses, and a strong chin. As an Aries woman, I've known that for years i need to be with a man that can handle my fiery passionate nature. I am handful you see. Rather, two hands and a few buckets. LOL
But a man that captures an Aries woman has truly captured a prize. For she will love him like no other, and for him, it will be as if none other exists. Aries women have a knack for making their men feel like they are the sexiest, most virile man on the planet. And we show you just how sexy we think you really are by ruling the bedroom.
It takes a man who is secure in himself to handle an Aries woman. We are not to be taken lightly, or to be used or abused. As the article states, we will not stand for it. Aries women go through several relationships because it is so difficult to find a man with the right temperment who will allow his Aries woman to be who she is. Most men who date Aries women try to tame them. BIG MISTAKE. She is at her BEST when you allow her to flourish and thrive like the EXPLOSIVE TNT she is.
Because we are so independent we look for a partner who can make us feel safe, secure, protected. We need to feel like a woman, and we need our men to be MEN. We don't like to be controlled or dominated, except in the bedroom. And even then, you better hurry, because our fiery domineering nature will rear and we will flip the script quickly. Trust you will end up on your back begging for more with an Aries woman.
As much as we enjoy being in control and leaders, we also need a man who can complete the balance. An Aries woman who finds herself a man that understands her quirks and nature, finds herself a mate for life. Especially if he keeps the fire burning, and keeps her interested and wanting more. Yes we do lose interest easily. This is why the person who lands an Aries woman must be SPECIAL indeed!
There is so much more I can say about Aries woman, but I don't want to take up too much space.
:-) Wishing all my Aries women blessings in love.
3/07/2012 4:40 PM
I'm an Aries sun with a Capricorn moon. Oddly enough my most compatible relationships were those that are considered to go well with capricorns, Taurus and Virgo. I agree about men being attracted right away to an Aries, it doesn't take much for them to fall for me, even if I am only wanting to be friends. My problem has always been that they try to lure me in with compliments but that isn't what I'm looking for, I know my strengths, and sure it's nice to be recognized, but I want a man that I feel is my equal. Someone that is as intelligent and creative as I am and that balances each other out. Also I think sincerity is a major factor in any relationship for me, I can see right through anyone who is trying to manipulate or lie to me. I think it will be a long time for someone to really wow me again. Anyone else feel more like their other signs sometimes? I only feel like my real Aries comes out when I'm debating, fighting for a cause, or when I feel that I'm helping someone through a crisis, like Wonder Woman to the rescue ;) Otherwise I'm actually rather shy in most situations, even though I wish I wasn't.
3/08/2012 8:29 PM
my god!!!
u have shown me d mirror so damn matches ma personality.i m so damn possessive bout relationships nd can't tolerate infidelity.i ws ma heart broken..dat 2 by a non deserving playboy..sorts person.he ruined ma life..
i luv freedom.m short tempered...
nd energetic..
3/13/2012 3:38 PM
its true about aries women. we unintentially tend to intimidate my case i just feel that people around me are too slow to act so automatically i take the reins in my hands n i dun see anything wrong in doin so. i believe "why waste time in contemplating the consequences when in the end there are just 2 possibilities: good o bad. if it is bad then good for u as u learn a lesson n if the end is good then move on to next thing". dude!! life is too short to waste time in thinking.
heres to all ma fellow aries frns:
dun waste ur time in thinking that there is something wrong with u that u ve ended up lonely without a partner...
i think v r pretty good without one.. :-) atleast i m. i enjoy life to d fullest with no one bossing around me. i dun ve to tend to some dumb head's feelings just because he misinterprets me.
so go out enjoy ur life. if he likes u actully loves u he ll accept u any way
tc luv u all
3/19/2012 3:58 AM
Well... I will say this. I am a Proud Libra Man, proudly in love with an Arien woman. She is a challenge but, a challenge indeed worth fighting for. I am pleased to hear that there is an issue with jealousy over insecurity. I believe that's a possible issue that my lady has. Though we are not together. I have many women in my life and she sees them. I make it no secret. But, I try hard to make sure that she knows that she is my number one. She has told me that she loves me and would always be there for me. I used to be skeptical about it. But, not so much anymore. I never want to look weak in her eyes but, I am pretty emotional. Meaning that due to my nature as a Libra, the work that I do, and my ability to relate deeply with others I can appear to be a little sensitive. I am not sparing when I profess my love to her. I am a leader in every sense of the word, my social status is increasing at a rapid rate, and I always have excited things going on in my life. I want to include her in them as well. I want her to walk alongside me in my journey as I walk with her as well in hers in hopes that our paths will sync.
I have no issues with her being dominant. She can lead as well as follow. I support her leadership without a pushover. We go out and have great times together whether its a nice restaurant, club, sports bar, or a late night at work. I am finding that we are together a lot. She can get mad as hell and become an ice queen. I am patient. Because, I know it will melt a way. She just needs some space. When she feels like she has hurt me, she tries hard in her own way to make amends.
My issue now is that I am not sure how she sees me. I want to make sure that we are not in the friend zone. Also, we work together. I have fallen in love with her and she is on my mind all the time. No we have not had sex. Is it wise to move forward?
3/25/2012 4:44 AM
Hi I'm a Virgo male and an Aries girl has stole my heart!Lol Head over heals for the lass. shes her own person, passionate. Trouble is i'm over in oz for a year whilst she's in the uk. So were having to make do with email ect . What I want to know is are Aries girls likely to wait. If so how do I keep emails phone calls fresh and exciting to an Aries . I dint want to freak her out by asking her to wait. butaid age is to wait I want her to make that dcision herself based on her liking me as much as I do her. So how do I keep her keen( how do I know she's keen) Do I keep in casual once a week? Everyday? I read they don't like flirty compliments? is this true .
4/07/2012 7:20 AM
Hi, I am a cancer man truly in love with an Aries woman but i think she is the most selfish, cold, callous and indifferent woman. She even does not bother me to call for many days.But she is always ready to go on world trips with me.she has always her own schedule. I have done a lot for her but she always hurt me mentally and physically.She speaks too much and some time spends all time in telling me stories and discussing people and finally I loose my time in talking instead of romance and sex.I am too much in trouble because of her.I want to spend my whole life with her but I am scared that one day she will loose me because of her indifferent and cold behaviour and i hope she will miss me.
4/18/2012 10:12 PM
hey m an aries woman too lol...and glad i found people like me who faced the same dilemmas and troubles like i do...i too have this tendency of wanting to be number one in mah man's life...but i try to temper it with reality taht evryone has lots of things to do...and being by your side hwen u eed someone is the real test nah?
i am facing crisis in amh love life ri8 now(as always)..:P...attracted on and off to thsi leo guy..who is a super ego ass...but the rest of him is nice..only his ego and his show off nature bug me to death..and coz he is not attracted to me..i find it more of a challenge...keep thinking taht i wish he was head over heels for me..:(..and i know a capricorn guy who is in love withg me..we are totally understande each other..he cares..feeds my ego..understands my crazines.,,but unfortunately i cant bring myslef to love him and keep looking for thsi jerk of a leo..what do i do? give up everythign and retire to the not going to get a loving guy anyway...
5/01/2012 4:27 PM
All this written above is 100% true about Aries woman. I am an Aries woman and found myself fully described here.. What can I say about the match between Aries woman and other signs of the zodiac? Well.. I've dated Aquarius, Cancer and Virgo man in the past and from all the Aquarian seemed to have smth in common with me, Cancer was totally my opposite and Virgo was too much superficial and indifferent.. Now I am in love with a Pisces man and find him very nice and good match for me as we seem to have the same thoughts and goals in life. I didn't even notice when he stole my heart.. Love him a lot!!!
5/06/2012 9:59 AM
My four year relationship has ended today. Im an aries who is/was manly in love with a controlling stubborn shady scorpio. He dumped me. I pushed him to do it because I knew I couldn't end it but I also knew we weren't right for each other. He put me through sooo much I just didn't care if we were together or not. I'll always love him but.... he isn't my soulmate.i know I will always care deeply for him even though he put me through hell and back. Even though I'm hurt Im excited to embark on new love journey :')
5/30/2012 3:11 AM
6/03/2012 8:59 PM
6/13/2012 7:15 PM
That's aquarius guys for ya, I'm in exactly the same situation as you. They are very confusing. :/
6/15/2012 8:56 AM
Im an Aries lady ;) Love it alot cause I really don't need a guy in my life but I have experienced all sorts of relationships,
the first one was with a Taurus guy, did not work one bit, constantly arguing ... He never gave me my freedom.
Second aquarius guy ... Hmm got along absolutely excellent but I feel that he never puts in enough effort and his a ladies man . I don't like sticking around for mind games.
Third libra guy which I'm currently trying... And I'm kinda thinking his the one because his totally opposite to me which is excellent cause what I say goes and his soo adorable when it comes to cheering me up, buys me gifts and does whatever I want.
6/15/2012 9:12 AM
Aries Woman in bed are fiery and aggressive...
6/29/2012 2:12 AM
I am an Aries girl, (24 years old, Asian) who have dated a very faithful and a loyal Virgo for almost 12 years. Well, he proposed me when we were in 6th grade, we lost our virginity after two years of graduation (at the age of 20) I was madly in love with him, loved him even after I went to a different country. We even had a long distance relationship for about 4 years, but I couldn't wait any longer and I cheated on him.
The very reason is: a very obsessive Leo guy shows up and profess how much he loves me and he will do everything to keep me happy. Leo will follow you until you say "yes" to him. His affection and love will not end until you don't hurt his feelings. They will love you like they can't live without you.They will make you feel special and beautiful all the times. However, you don't want to be around when he gets mad. He will treat you so bad if you do something wrong, intentionally or unintentionally, but comes back to beg and to ask for an apology even though fight wasn't started because of him. Leo is completely different from a Virgo guy. I said completely! I am amazed how Leo guy treats their girl. They know how to give love and they are very sexy in some manners unlike Virgo. Virgo is shy and unable to express or show how much they love. But they are very faithful and love you eternally if you do the same. Leo guy shows off how lucky he is to found me and to walk beside me. Yet Leo are very flirty, they love women so much. Their eyes are always wondering around, scanning each and every girls who passes by. Thus, I can't trust Leo exactly like I have trusted Virgo. Well, we Aries love those who treats us best and if we think he is not being genuine to us anymore, we will be the first one to break off the Relationship! We have an ability to show how strong we are, and that no one can hurt us.
Anyways, I am with a Leo guy for a 7 months now...and I am loving every second I am spending with him. Leo is very generous, caring and will do everything you ask for. He is ready to change himself for your sake too. He always spend his time with you. One thing never leaves him, which is SEX. He loves sex, and the good thing is I love sex too. But, Sometimes he will make you feel like "is he living with me just because I provide SEX?" I don't know the answer yet :( tip for ya"ll (who is dating a Leo guy) : Don't show your feelings too much and pretend as if you aren't getting so much love from him. Because Leo gets bored when he thinks the girl who he has been chasing is now in his arm, so he automatically cease giving immense of love he have been giving in the beginning of the relationship. Leo will keep following you until he doesn't think that you are completely his, and you don't know what he will do to you once he accomplishes his goal (which is to own you!) He might leave you for an another girl who is being expansive and who got an attitude like you had once. However, they are human too, so give them love and show how much you care, occasionally. They will appreciate you so much like no other guy from zodiac sign will :)
I am one of the happiest girl born under the zodiac sign "Aries"
7/03/2012 1:18 PM
I defintely must comment on this..I see me in this picture (total me!) I hate to be over shadowd and I always love this Grace to be restd on me. I love beign noticed and I always like arguments to be in my favour. I like remembering his mistakes just to cover up for the immediate and ave never lost to this for ones. Am sorry she isn't cheating on U, its just the attention she needs. Flirting is common to get u back on ur toes, but trust me she isn't serious with it. I also do things and I don't K. Just bve commitd n d sky will be your spring Board
7/17/2012 11:53 AM
Aries is nothin like scorpios. Aries r loyal scorps r not n they r jealous females who wants wat u have.
7/21/2012 7:37 PM
or we fall in love with the ones who have us messed up
7/28/2012 2:50 PM
I'm an Aries woman that just recently moved more than 900 miles to rescue a Leo man. It's confusing to me though. I mean this is suppose to be my perfect match (right) ?? Well why do I feel like were apologizing to each other all the time. I feel he gets parts of my aura, but doesnt get me totally. Coming from a relationship with a Sag for 7 years and then hoppin' in this was a good idea, but its just sumthin' bout this Leo. When I look at him I see a perfect man that just needs love and affection. But when I try to give him just that he doesnt seem receptive. I mean i know he cares because he says it all the time, that he does... But I dont feel that he does. Idk the genuine care I have for him, he doesnt have or show me, and thats becoming a problem.
I need that womanly care...
I need romance...
I need affection...
I need itall to feel complete in this relationship. and all he says is get to know me first. And I do already...Hell it aint chemical engineering... It one Leo man thats not putting in the work to keep this Arian woman happy and content. What to do ?
8/04/2012 12:43 PM
Wow. I just read allll of that.... Almost cried about how everything I can relate to... Crazy really! Well I wanted to put in my input. I dated a libra guy and he was my first love and it was aaaamazing.. You know until I found out he cheated on me.. The whole thing is a funny story.. But year later he is still in love with me. Tells me he will do ANYTHING to have me back. I don't want him though. It might have been my first love but I crave something different plus libra man are chronic liars. I think I'm falling for a cancer guy. I'm upset though cuz everything I read about cancer and Aries compatibility is that they are the wrong match for each other. I'm to stubborn and want tot find out myself. And you Aries girls know we get what we want so I'll let you know how it goes;) also!!! My fellow Aries girl idk if I recommend Taurus guys because my best friend(guy) is a taurus and believe me it's better as friends. Trust me. Wish me luck with this cancer man!!!!! And goodluck to alll my fiery independent Aries gals!!!!
8/06/2012 2:22 AM
Aries women will capture your heart and emotions, then when you have family obligations and they are no longer #1' they will dump you without saying goodbye. IMHO, Aries are narcisstic in nature. All about them and no empathy for their partners.
8/12/2012 10:44 PM
we always want the ones we can't have
8/26/2012 5:57 PM
As an aries woman I feel so alone. I wish the universe would deliver me my soul mate. Before death would be good.
8/28/2012 11:34 PM
Aries needs to find satisfaction for herself, not in others. These folks can be serial cheaters or manipulators if their energy is misused... and they don't learn to value who they are and what they have...
And, yes, while anyone can cheat, these ladies are at the top of the list.
Never feeling satisfied is a huge problem. Hence the childish outbursts and power plays. If you think Scorpio is bad, at least it recognizes boundaries...
Use your energy wisely, ladies.
9/09/2012 10:18 AM
Im a Leo Sun Leo Rising man...pretty much the poster child Leo...and I had been dating an Aries Female for the past month. This was the 4th Aries Female I have dated so I must like something...Its also the 4th one that ended after a relatively short period of there must also be something that doesn't work. Although I have a very strong well aspected Leo Sun (and my south node is also in Leo which from what I know about south nodes I have been a Leo in many many lifetimes) I have a very weak Virgo Moon which causes me a lot of emotional pain in my relationships. My outward public Leo persona is goodhearted, easy-going, independent, very gregarious, charming, assertive and strong. My Virgo Moon side which comes out when I am stressed, tired or just relaxing at home is very sensitive, idealistic, self-deprecating, a little shy, modest and often depressed. Its the weirdest thing. So part of the problem Ive had with dating these Aries women is that the fall in love with Leo and then meet Virgo and are like "WTF?". Granted my Virgo Moon has his own charms, but they are too refined and sophiscated for the average Aries woman to recognize and appreciate. Plus my Virgo Moon side often tries to be helpful and of service to the Aries woman who in turn usually doesn't appreciate or recognize this and often even sees it as a form of weakness. So anyways, after 4 relationships with Aries women I have recognized the pattern and don't really know what to do. Leo brings these Aries women in like a moth to a flame, but Virgo rules my domestic side and he often feels used, abused and misconstrued by these blunt, self-centered, spiritually immature Aries women. Leo just loves to conquer them with his charm and sexual prowess(that part is easy) but having a mature healthy supportive relationship with these Aries women has not happened yet and neither my Leo side nor my Virgo side sees it working unless the Aries woman has a softer more evolved moon sign to balance her out. I don't really end up resenting the Aries women because I know they are really like a 9 year old kid who just says what she thinks, likes what she likes and is with all the confidence of a kid who hasn't known suffering, loss or tragedy to any real extent. The Aries woman is sexy too. So that helps forgiving them. I think they make better friends and part time lovers than anything else. They are not marriage material in my book. Marriage is co-dependent by definition and Aries women are by far the most independent minded women as far as I have seen. Aquarius women and Scorpio women are just as self-contained but I think they don't prize their independence as much as the Aries women does. So my advice to Leo men is too definitely try a Aries woman out for a month or two...they are fucking spectacular for the short term. Forget any long term plans and man up as much as you possible can because from what I have notice is when you get ultra macho and overpower them they turn very feminine and even sexier in my opinion...its the weirdest thing...Its like the balance of Ying and Yang/ Masculine and Feminine energy gets pushed in the other direction and all of the sudden they get really feminine. Don't do these in an aggressive hostile way. Just get really manly and assertive and then they don't have to. And my Advice to the Virgo men out there...stay away...there is nothing that you were really benefit from in that relationship unless they have other planetary placements that will be more compatible. Or just fake it til you make it and then look for a quick exit...these Aries girls will chase after you for a while and that can be amusing. Don't worry about hurting their feelings...they are just not that sensitive and are very resilient. Im not saying be abusive or anything, just realize that what might hurt your feelings may not hurt theirs. So my final grade for the Aries woman...short-term A-....long term D+...I think am over them though...four times is enough on that ride.
9/09/2012 12:39 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
9/09/2012 12:41 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
9/09/2012 12:44 PM
A aries woman only wants total commitment from her man. Men try to tame us. We don't want to be tamed. We want to be loved and understood. We love to talk and be heard, we will listen to our partner, we want that!! We are very passionate about life, very family committed, we love our men with everything in us. We ask that you do the same!!
9/13/2012 1:16 AM
I am an stirs woman and this fits me, but I am very patient. Yes there are times when I blow up, but its after telling someone many times don't do that. I am great with wirds, and very quick at coming back with something to say, but i don't blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. I am very energetic and passionate, warm, funny and independent. I had a baby and I was slightly tamned. I will never come in second to another woman. I attract men like a moth to a flame, yes they are intimidated by me cuz I get what I want and don't need a man. No man will ever admit they are intimidated by an aries woman (its not the manly thing to do) I am openly dating a cancer, piscies, sag, and Leo. All very different. Piscies is emotionally if I don't answer back right away, Leo just wants to love and protect me, sag we have so much fun, he loves that I get his flightiness, and tba cancer us warm, funny giving but still reserved. I don't know what i want and i tell then all the time. It's my daughter my career and school first. I have opened my cancer up and he is pursing so many things he had always wanted to do. Sag inspires me every day, pisces is loving, and the Leo is so much like me its not funny. I am very fast pace I do what needs to be done and u do it better then anyone ekse, I lice supporting, I inspiring and listening to others. I make things happen and am always entertaining others. I tell everyone that ill always be there no matter what just call. I start friendships easy and make others feel comfortable enough to open right up to me. All my friendships last. Just don't burn me, ill tell you off to your face. I enjoy the small things in life, but am so motivated for the future I sometimes forget others feelings. I hate procrastinators. I am an aries woman to the t just softer around the edges because I matured. I take care of everyoneand thing around me, because i do it better then anyone else can. Aries women aren't selfish deep down inside it hurts us when people think that, we just don't realize our power sonetimes.
9/14/2012 2:20 AM
I am an stirs woman and this fits me, but I am very patient. Yes there are times when I blow up, but its after telling someone many times don't do that. I am great with wirds, and very quick at coming back with something to say, but i don't blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. I am very energetic and passionate, warm, funny and independent. I had a baby and I was slightly tamned. I will never come in second to another woman. I attract men like a moth to a flame, yes they are intimidated by me cuz I get what I want and don't need a man. No man will ever admit they are intimidated by an aries woman (its not the manly thing to do) I am openly dating a cancer, piscies, sag, and Leo. All very different. Piscies is emotionally if I don't answer back right away, Leo just wants to love and protect me, sag we have so much fun, he loves that I get his flightiness, and tba cancer us warm, funny giving but still reserved. I don't know what i want and i tell then all the time. It's my daughter my career and school first. I have opened my cancer up and he is pursing so many things he had always wanted to do. Sag inspires me every day, pisces is loving, and the Leo is so much like me its not funny. I am very fast pace I do what needs to be done and u do it better then anyone ekse, I lice supporting, I inspiring and listening to others. I make things happen and am always entertaining others. I tell everyone that ill always be there no matter what just call. I start friendships easy and make others feel comfortable enough to open right up to me. All my friendships last. Just don't burn me, ill tell you off to your face. I enjoy the small things in life, but am so motivated for the future I sometimes forget others feelings. I hate procrastinators. I am an aries woman to the t just softer around the edges because I matured. I take care of everyoneand thing around me, because i do it better then anyone else can. Aries women aren't selfish deep down inside it hurts us when people think that, we just don't realize our power sonetimes.
9/14/2012 2:20 AM
Im a female Aries and although this happened to you we are not all like this. Me seeing an aquarius man having mixed messages sent to me, i have been nothing but empathetic ,understanding, and very patient as to not give in to the negative thoughts that enter my head. Yes we are still together because i have a golden heart. Any other woman would have left. An Aries woman is also stubborn and love rules with us . Patience , ears open mouth closed can go a long way when being a peacekeeper . Which i am proud of. There might be little twists of differences between us Aries but we are not unkind.
9/14/2012 4:08 AM
Lmao tell me about it! I feel the same way!
9/17/2012 9:48 PM
Well, i am a typical Aries female. My ex husband was a Virgo and although we had a very quiet content marriage I was bored. since then, i have seemed to attract Capricorn men for some reason, possibly my cancer rising/taurus moon. BUT just recently i met the most amazing Leo man, he is older than me by 10 years but he has totally blown my mind! Leo most definately is the sign for Aries, he compliments my shortcomings and vice versa. I am totally smitten. An Aries can be happy after all...
9/19/2012 5:50 PM
My Aries girlfriend told me that was how she felt before she met me. I'm a Scorpio and Im her version of perfection and she's mine. Idk all this astrological sign nonsense. She does not need my constant attention. Her independence attracts me because I love who she is and want her to be herself and do what she loves. Contrary to all the stuff that says I should be jealous because I dont control her as said about scorpio men. I actually take enjoyment in giving her space and freedom. She can't get enough of me and I can't get enough of her. But we're patient. Hm novel idea. As a Scorpio yes I am outrageously passionate and loving. But we're human beings. We can change thing about ourselves that cause issues. Here's the curveball. I'm a recovered heroin addict. And she's a recovered alcoholic. Everything we experience together is clear because we are both sober. But if u meet a scorpio who drinks too much or does drugs. Run. He needs to hit rock bottom and be humbled before he can date anyone. Humble Scorpio and humble Aries = soul mates
9/22/2012 3:56 AM
Leo! A leo man is the only sign that will keep you in line when you get a big head as Aries tend to. My Leo man is the best thing that has ever happened to me he's fun and just as competitive as I am at the same time he's romantic and gentle with me. I can openly share my dreams and aspirations with him and he challenges me to do them faster or better than I plan to. He's the perfect compliment to my personality and I highly recommend a Leo man for any Aries woman.
9/27/2012 11:03 AM
Im a aries fun,risky,bold,toughrude,cute,funnysmart,passionate,joker,independent etc anywho! Im a gd woman i take care those i care for..if im in love i put that man b4 everybody..i will share everything wit him..i will take care this man as if he run the world!..but when i find out my lover was a no gd ****...oh u better run! When a aries hurt we hold that feelin in until we get our mind rite..but just no u would hear every emotion we feelin at the moment..but that fact when he love we love deep! matter wat they person did us aries want answers we cant let it just be! No we wanna no yyyyy!!.sumtimes we so tough in relationship we mite cuss u out and all but we will come back like nothing happen we no how to drop mite play over n over in our heads but we no how to get ova it..that come off as selfish or careless to others..which most of the time i just dont care cuz i feel im rite! Which i always am!!..we believe in change ..and not afraid of love and if wat we want dont work out..we will try and try and try until we become bord .. then we toss it out ready to look for a new advanture!..but understand in our advanture us aries seek a strong man who understands us who is fathful and passionate..sum1 who can deal wit us..i had my share n they all love me but i aint love them..i wasnt pleased wit my mates..y? THEY GOT BORING..IF YOU LOVE A ARIES KEEP HER INTERESTED !!!!
10/04/2012 11:51 AM
I agree. I am an aries woman and leo is the onlyman for us :-)
10/23/2012 11:56 PM
We are compicated...that's it! Sometimes we don't understand ourselves. Like that saying goes " were not made to figure out, were just made to love" ;-) I've been single for years. When I think I'm ready and date and think I've met the man for me I get bored and disgusted. I don't like needy clingy whiny men and I'm too independent and like to do what I want when I want with whom I want and will not tolerate interference. I want a man in control then he becomes too controlling. I want a man who's possesive then get disgusted thinkin he's too jealous. Idk were just too dang confusing. Sorry boys. If you figure us out let me know. Lol lots of love to all
10/24/2012 12:10 AM
This is awesome! I love an aries woman, typical independent am a writer too! well I seem ti chew and spit out men after being betrayed by a spineless libra with no direction...I wanna fall experience with a scorpio were traumatic, but they are magnetic...This year I have attracted Leo's oh it a sign???? well i had an affair with one......I agree with the "shortterm" comment.....we didnt last long but I was seriously attracted to Leo man......but am single now.....chasing money and fame ....Love the thrill...why are we such sexaholics..??? gosh its abnormal!!! oh I am atracted to a younger Virgo, he hides what he feels, but there is chemistry ....serious one ! ive accepted that i might not get married...but would love a long term thing now...u guys rock...loved the comments
11/08/2012 5:31 PM
I to am very attractive to a Leo... Phoar amazing lovers
11/09/2012 4:10 AM
Selfishness on the aries part.. We want everything! Our way! In my experience a good thing for an aries to learn is to let there partner have a life without jealousy. I guess they don't want to miss out on anything. But also maybe stand up for yourself, we like strong
11/09/2012 4:21 AM
Ugh Where do I begin! I am an Aries women 24 years old ,single and hating it every man I meet I get turned off or bored easily, and the ones I do end up liking never seem to have the same feelings for me. I guess you can say I love the thrill of the chase but once they chase is gone its on to the next. I am currently dating an Aquarius I'm in love with him, but his aloof nature makes me question if he feels the same about me... I was told Aquarius men are like this but he might me my ying to my yang, has anyone felt this way for Aquarius?
11/14/2012 1:51 PM
Ugh Where do I begin! I am an Aries women 24 years old ,single and hating it every man I meet I get turned off or bored easily, and the ones I do end up liking never seem to have the same feelings for me. I guess you can say I love the thrill of the chase but once they chase is gone its on to the next. I am currently dating an Aquarius I'm in love with him, but his aloof nature makes me question if he feels the same about me... I was told Aquarius men are like this but he might me my ying to my yang, has anyone felt this way for Aquarius?
11/14/2012 1:52 PM
11/28/2012 12:57 PM
I am an aries sun, aquarius moon, sag rising... a very confusing mixture it feels most of the time. Hah, I laughed with some sadness, at the comment up there about how "no sign is compatible with us aries women, we will walk a lonely road"... I do feel that way sometimes, I get flighty as soon as I feel the clutches of a relationship getting closer, and tighter..
I was with virgos the most I found, for whatever reason.. I like the clash of personality, the stability that I lacked..
I was with a Libra that ruined me, but I think it was much beyond his sign... it had more to do with his life being hell from the age of 4.. but we started out as VERY strong, very compatible friends, before everything turned upside down.
I met an ARIES MAN. holy shit. a-fucking-mazing. excuse my french....and oh... He was also a french man, part algerian. black hair, dark eyes, dark honey wild.. so free. He was me, and I was him, we completed each other in so many ways, the sex? nothing will ever compare to two fire signs in bed (or anywhere) okay. getting fuzzy just thinking on that subject...
unlike what most people say about aries-aries relationships, we never "butt heads" or struggle for power, or anything like that.
HOWEVER, we lacked that communication needed for real relationships to work, and commitment was a HUGE problem for both of us. we were loyal (at least I was, and I want to believe he was too.. I dont trust anyone) we were shit at relationships, and we basically drifted apart.. it had something to do with him being TOO free, he got lost in the drug scene and partied up a second personality... one I'm not too fond of. so we left on good terms of course, Ill never forget him for sure., too many words alltogether,
After that, I was with a virgo. a dear, dear, precious virgo man. He was the first 'gentlemen' I was ever with. the first man to tell me in words "I am all yours" soon after, we continued to have a "gasping for air" type scenarion in the bedroom.. and for the first time I had to force myself to get up and go outside to cool down, and my whole body shaking, his too. OH! he is on the cusp of LEO, too.
anyway, he FULLY accepting me, he got me to actually OPEN UP (a huge thing for me) and he STILL loved me with alllll of his heart. he helped me with everyday things, big things, tough things. he supported me, and sometimes was yes, overly cautious, too cautiious for me, but I just found it amusing, and chuckled to myself when we were at the river, I would be frolicking in the sun and the water, while I see him reading a book in the shade, wearing jeans?!?! so strange to me.....
but I loved him. I loved that he loved me, completely 100% loved me!! I dont love myself really, and he loved me enough to cover that up!
I WANT soooo badly to be able to be happy with him, be in that relationship, let him take care of me, let him make me smile, and hold me together....
but I don't know, I hate to say it about us aries women, we do get sounds so snippy and bitchy, i hate it, but its my nature somewhat, I need independence, freedom, fun, fire, passion, and also 100% love and stability, and somewhere safe!
I'm alll mixed up, and how willllll it be possible for me to be in love and loved back?
holy shit......................
so contradictory
11/30/2012 2:49 AM
I'm a March 21 Aries woman and I've been dating a August 6 Leo man on and off for three years..We just can't stay away from each other. I stayed away for 8 months but found my way back to him and it was like were just together the day before. The article is ON POINT! Magnetic chemistry!
12/01/2012 12:25 AM
Wow this just described me in a boyfriend is Capricorn but thankfully he can handle me really well, lol.
12/05/2012 11:24 PM
I am a Leo man, and when I met my Aries woman, I was blown away. When I met her, I was in the worst shape I'd ever been in. I was depressed and not at all what you'd see in a typical Leo. She built me back up. She was like this force of...gosh...powerful woman. Self-confident, self-assured, and very much so fiery. She almost took it upon herself to build me back into the Leo I was supposed to be. With her help, I became that self-confident, loyal, fiery, attention-craving guy. And I got my sex drive back (which, with her, this didn't take much! haha). My Aries woman really brought me back out of my shell. I am so proud to have met her and spent time with her like I have. Thankful she dared to help bring me back to life. I wouldn't be the same without her.
12/09/2012 10:58 PM
I am a taurus female with a leo boyfriend of almost a year in January :)
How does the aries woman come into play? Well, just like one of the posters above. My boyfriend cheated on me with an aries female who he says chased him knowing that he already had a girlfriend (confirmed by one of her close friends because she was at the bar when they first met). Anyway, he came clean about this and then promised to cut ties with her. That was until i broke up with him (because of the lack of trust) so since i broke up with him, he decided to make her his girlfriend.
I then decided to work on our relationship and he wanted to give it another go too. However, ever since shes heard of this she has been claiming that she is his girlfriend even though he clearly doesn't treat her like she is. She is never at any special occasion that couples go to. Yet, just like the other poster...she wants to make me out like IM the other woman.
My thing is, although i get along with the aries women that i have met, after reading that post by the other poster in a similar situation. I cant help but think that aries women are probably delusional or waaaaay too competitive to a fault? Im a taurus so you don't get more stubborn or competitive than us :) were like the SUPER FEMININE version of an aries however, when your stupidly competitive it makes no sense.
I also understand the whole thing about WANTING TO BE NUMBER ONE and its funny because my leo man always tells me IM HIS NUMBER ONE. So its strange that this girl would continue to act like their together. And wait for it, she is now claiming that she is pregnant for him (we would get a DNA test) as we think its a way to make us break up and being a stubborn taurus I'm not going to LEAVE HIM just to give her what she wants..she could forget about that.
Ps: taurus and leo aren't suppose to get along but we are partners and best friends (something he also says). Besides were both a leo rising :)
i believe other signs in your birth chart play a role because him and this girl are suppose to be COMPATIBLE yet, he doesn't show that he wants to be with her the way i know she would want him to. He even says that he is not himself around her. And as an aries i thought she wont put up with shit? Lol its funny to me that she had to stoop so low by getting pregnant and claiming it to be his in order to get him to commit to her.
Oh well.
12/10/2012 6:59 AM
Go Taurus girl!
Stay in reality.
Aries girls will just chase ya,till ya give up,even if ya don't want them around,tell ya lies to get you to keep them around,and then forget the lies they said,then get angry at you for remembering their lies!
What a waste of time!
A total head f---!
Aries girls,go to those signs that'll use ya.
Stay up in the air!
Leave the real men alone!
12/16/2012 3:15 AM
Aries are infatuated with Gemini men ur probably the only sign she does get bent out of shape for, trust me i kno! Im an aries women, n i got hurt so many times by a gemini man, including my father, geminis are untrustworthy
12/20/2012 8:32 AM
I am a March Aries and just about everything that was written describes me to a T. Such as, I do tend to get bored easily especially when it comes to romantic involvements/relationships. I can be domineering/demanding at times, I do need to fell I am number one in his life. I do value my independence AND freedom. I am a natural born leader who likes to motivate, encourage, and inspire. I will fight to the death for the underdogs and the unjust. I am as blunt and brutally honest as they come. Also, I am very impatient. I want things when I want it. Everyone knows where they stand when it comes to me. Give me my space, but if you give me too much space you risk the chance of me losing interest, boredom seeping in and me moving on.
According to astrology/Zodiac signs, the best/most compatible sighs are: Leo, Aquarius, Gemini, Sag, and Libra.
My first love was a Cancer. Boy, I loved me some him, but I knew we wouldn't work out for the long haul. What I enjoyed the most, he was a good lover, family oriented, dependable, very caring, but the aries in me got real tired, real fast on the moodiness, self pitying, and overly sensitive nature. I felt like I couldn't truly be myself because everything I said, I felt like I needed to walk on eggshells in his presence and be cognizant of everything that came out of my mouth and sensor all my thoughts to cater to him and his feelings and as we Aries know, that is not a life for an Aries for too long. I had to get out. Truth: cancers and aries are better off as really good friends than being in a relationship.
Then I came across a Sag. Talk about exciting. I could never fully put my thumb on him and because of that he kept me on my toes. He loved his independence and freedom as much as I did, if not more. He was very witty, intelligent, extremely charming. There was never a dull moment with him. I loved he was always in a happy mood and no matter the circumstance always optimistic. He just wasn't the settling down type. He loved women and wasn't interested in anything long term. 5 to 8 months of being faithful was long term enough for him. Fast forward 6 years and he is still the same way at 38 years old. He will run in the opposite direction if he thinks you are trying to tie him down and please don't mention the word relationship. He likes to date minus the titles. By far one of the best lovers I ever had, if not the best, very passionate! We ended up breaking up due to his love of women and not wanting to be faithful nor committed. I don't think I would ever date a Sag again because of this experience. Truth: Great for short term or part-time lovers. Aries like to run things and Sags will run the moment they feel they are being "ran"
Then I dated a Gemini. Not as exciting as the Sag, but he felt like the safe choice. Safe, I have come to realize equates to boring for an Aries, or shall I say this Aries. He worshiped the ground I walked on...I was just bored, there was no excitement. Not to mention he came off as very moody at times and too inquisitive to the point where he came off as nosy and intrusive on my space. Truth: I really don't have too many bad things to say about him as he treated me like a queen, but regardless as to how great he looked on paper, there was no spark and I need spark.
Then I dated an Aquarius. The spark was there. When it came to pleasing me, he was very good and always exceeded expectations. He game me the space and freedom I needed. I loved the fact that he was intelligent and wanted to do for others. The only thing that got under my skin with dating an aquarius is he came off as detached and unemotional a lot of the times so I never really knew where he stood or where we stood. Long story short, he ended up breaking up with me to date someone else. He was so detached and unemotional, I couldn't even tell when things were turning for the worst...
Anyhow, at this point in my life I would be open to meeting/dating a Libra or Leo.
12/23/2012 10:18 PM
Im An Aries Woman amd and my boyfriend excuse me Fiance' is A Aquarius I love this man so much sometimes I cry Because I Feel So Blessed & Lucky To Have Met My Soulmate we have been together for four years now I always look back and laugh because I knew I was gonna love and marry him the Very first day I met him literally when we furst mef it was sparksand love at first conversation I began to become jealousand possessive and it pushed him away from me we stayed seperated for 1 year but remained close friends of ournatrual bond later we reconnected and when we did he was more affectionate and he always gave me all his attention I could tell in his eyes he adores me and I admire him for being so patient always being ay my aid not Only supporting but helping me accomplish my dreams sex its always emotional and deep on anotjer level the love is so pure sex just molds the souls in one
12/29/2012 1:09 AM
I guess im the only aries that tends to be atraccted to the opposite in scorpio and cancers.
12/30/2012 7:36 PM
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1/02/2013 10:11 PM
Well I'm a Aries very proud one no body can tell me anything! I do have issues with men and I'm only 25 been with many partners who all said the L word..I sure as hell ain't feel the same. Because I knew off the back if I wanted a long term or a short one..if long term and I fall in love and then the boring feeling creep up smh I will leave ASAP ..I dnt feel the need to deal with boring ppl its like my life is being wasted! So yea I admit it I dead everyone I Been with.. smh listen I can care les about having a man or not. Either way I get what I want so the ball is always in my court..y? Didn't no maybe these weak men like it there,lml I'm very honest I'm a Aries woman who feel like no man can please me the way I need to be pleased ..I can do the job right but they cant? So I take my Aries route and leave them n trust n believe they all bother me to this day! But. Right now there a Aquarius men in my life we just friends I'm already guarded. But this one seem to be a challenge but again if its fun I'm all in!
1/13/2013 8:28 AM
I was born March 28th, was raped by my 19 year old Aquarius boyfriend. I was only 13. I have always been strong and didn't let that ruin me. I got pregnant by a Capricorn at age 16 and didn't marry him, got engaged to a sag when I was 19 and he died 1 month before our wedding in a car accident. I remained strong. Dated a Gemini who got on his knee and asked me to marry him, but I said no because he liked dressing like a woman and it was too friggin weird. Then I dated a gorgeous Aquarius who also asked me to marry him, but asked me to leave my son with my mother. (Friggin idiot) I'd never choose a man over my son. I met a Virgo when I was 17 who is still in love with me to this day. He texts me everyday and both of us are married, not to each other. I dated a Libra for 4.5 years, loved it. Slept around with Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius. I never had the blessing to date a Leo. I am now married to an Aquarius. Aquarius man tend to follow me. If I had to do it again, I would marry my Libra, who waited and waited for me and I said no to because of different beliefs.My husband is boring, not so much into sex like I am, very argumentative and without thrive. It makes me feel like a failure at if I made the wrong choice. Libra and Virgo are probably my best match. My sag cheated on me with his best friends wife.
1/14/2013 2:35 AM
I am an aries woman totally confused by the behaviour of a Leo an, I have a feeling that he so want to tell me things when we talk (eben on the phone) but just can't bring himself to do it. Well...we see each other every 2 to three months, we are the best of friends or (so we claim to be) the quemistry is undescribable sometimes when we are in the presence of each other he would grab my hands almost like he can't stop himself but makes sure it looks friendly, however weboth know the feelings of body and strong spiritual attraction are there. I need advise of how to gather the courage to make him admit what Ialready know! or so.... HELP!!!!!!!!!
1/16/2013 3:30 PM
So, never written on these before but here goes. Totally relate to your situation and can I say I think we are both doing our arian sign proud. I am recently seperated from my scorpio husband for the last 6 months, have been having a casual affair with my libran ex fiance from 18 yrs ago who is single, but finding it all too overwhelming so insisting we cool it till I sort out my ex and Part of me is totally cool w that and agrees but its just so amazing and my sex drive has just sky rocketed after being non existant, not to say that sex wasnt incredibly good with scorpio ex, it was usually 6 orgasms in one session amazing, but the chemistry w libra ex fiance is utterly addictive and Im on fire just thinking about him, but recently my other ex love of my life, of which I have had 3 major loves was in town for christmas holidays and he is still one of my closest friends and so we had dinner together with his mum who I adore and ended up cuddling all night, no sex, just very intimate cuddles and it was lovely. He hops back on the plane, i say goodbye and there you have it. I still love these two men from way back in my past and a little confused. II am sure its all just because the scorpio has for years destroyed my self worth and I havent trusted him w my heart for many years and Has not protected me and made me feel safe for a long time, quite the opp and both these guys know me so well, and the libran is strong and I often have dreams of him as a protector of me and they both still find me irrisistably sexy and they Remind me of who I really am and while Im going through all the crap w the ex, this makes me feel happy and keeps my spirits high. Its been lovely and I deserve it but I really deeply love my ex fiance libran but fear he is fairly used to And settled into the single life and enjoys his independance more than taking on me and my 2 kids. I think he thinks its prob all toi hard.
1/19/2013 9:06 AM
I enjoyed reading the comments more than the aries description actually :p Aries do like variety so here is something different:
I'm an aries woman in my 30s. I have a Scorpio Ascendant, Mars in Cancer and Venus in Taurus.
No one has ever asked me out. I've never dated anybody and I'm extremely shy. People tell me I'm beautiful, but after being single for a lifetime I don't believe them anymore :p I often get the 'hey baby' sh*t when I'm walking down the street and at my age it's just annoying and embarrassing. It's hard for me to even maintain eye contact with someone I like. I never flirt with people. The company of pets, trees and ideas is much more appealing these days than the fast-paced human society.
I absolutely LOOOVE other women. Not sexually, but in the sense that I see all the effort they put to look and be their best. I get sad when I see a man who isn't appreciative of his GF's or wife's effort. I'm not competitive at all and it has probably kept me back. I still dream of a world based on collaborations and respect. When a man who is in a relationship tries to get close to me it pisses me off to the point that I want to hit him.
Most often I've been attracted to Taurus guys. I really like Sags and Capricorns but they seem way too good for me to even try. I feel like I could never meet their standards. I find Aquarians too aggressive, loud and controlling, and never met a Leo man as far as I'm aware of.
btw I'm an amateur astrologer and a writer. My nature is introverted, creative and analytical. I don't feel like a typical Aries, more like a Virgo... Handling modern life feels nearly impossible & I'm afraid of being always alone.
btw#2 I find aries women admirable because they appear capable of taking care of themselves. All that I've met were friendly so far and honest. Scorpio females are much more courageous imo, Gemini women are underrated and Taurus women could rule the world IF they could get over their insecurities that cause too much inner tension, and realize they're freaking goddesses. :) Just saying.
1/19/2013 6:35 PM
i'm 54 born 29th of being an aries but...gosh it's hard work, i fall in love with love and get a quick wakeup call when they say or do something i don't like, i can be warm cold all over the place, hate being ignored or neglected, have had a lot of relationships but boredom takes over....or i make a situation wher an argument starts..i am very bright and find conversations in general boreing, it's so bloody hard to please me..i am funny, spiritual and know everything lol...once a man says something i don't like ..move star sign has been made for me, i need someone from another planet, to deep to complex, to wise and get an insight if anyone is lying to kids because i have a childish nature, love animals as they don't hurt me..met tough men, sweet men, loving men still being an aries can be difficult at times, we love a challenge, but then get aggresive if the challenge doesn't obey us ..oh well one day my dream will come true lol
1/20/2013 4:06 PM
Yesss leo men are the absolute best for us aries. Things get really rowdy tho we eventually work it out and now we have a son who is a cancer and we are one big crazy happy family
1/22/2013 8:21 AM
Hey all you lovely Aries women across the world!!! I really enjoyed reading all the very interesting stories and can identify with alot of them. I'm a young Aries, will be 21 in March and I find myself to be a very odd person lol.
I'm a cool girl :) will be there for anyone who's in need, I'm fun, kinda a social butterfly. I'm a people person and love meeting interesting people, eventhough I'm kinda a loner at the same time. I just like to do my own thing and I love people that do their own thing and they can take me to their world and sometimes I'll bring you to mine lol.
Relationship wise, I really don't know what I want. One minute I'm all for being committed and stuff, the next I'm not really feeling it and look for ways out. But deep down I want to be in a serious relationship I just feel that at the end of the day no one truly will accept me so I'd rather just keep people as "friends" (sometimes with benefits) but they end up falling and I'm just like tryna warn them like noooooo I'm crazy lol go be with a good girl sign like a Pisces or something.
Scorpios and Cancers tend to flock to me. Scorpios are cool. Passionate, romantic, know how to treat me special which I love but then sometimes it just becomes too much. Cancers...never again!! They are chill people but they always wanna change me into something I'm not. I'm me. It's either you accept it or don't. I hate having to walk on eggshells with them, always watching what I say in fear I'm a hurt their feelings or not saying how I truly feel. I'm the most honest person and they will turn you into liars! Whenever this Cancer guy asks me questions I always have to preface my answer with "do you want me to tell you the truth or just say what sounds good". And I shouldn't have to do that.
Water signs put out my fire but the security they provide that they'll always be there is nice. I think I need to date a fire sign though. I'm friends wit lots of them, this Sag guy in particular. He's fun, kind, a great friend and I can just be myself. But he's confusing. But I can't really complain because I am too lol. Ugh!!! What's an Aries girl to do?
1/23/2013 2:02 PM
Yeah, those are my reflection. I used to shy and hold my true color as an Arian for 24years, being someone else. Now, I don't see any result by doing so.
My only problem with a lover is finding them. When I see someone attracted to me, I ran away for my life. I still couldn't realize the reason behind my strange behavior.
Just want to make things clear, I only date once till now and I used to date a Pisces for over 5 years. Yes, he is a tough lover, love me so much until made me thought he is a fool. The things is...I never really in love with him, just have a basic interest to him, never hear or feel the 'click', none. I guess I lose my interest towards him. And finally, he ended our relationship (thanks to my Aquarius best friend who trigger his jealousness that led us to the end). Never heard from him any more, probably for the best.
Well, unintentionally a Virgo man come & he keeps doing weird things towards me and I understand that it is a result from his nervousness for being around me. His hands shaking each time I sit next to him. To bad we must go to separate ways, I kinda love his eyes. Full of love, LOL.
Another Aquarius, another Gemini...snap snap snap.
But lately, here come a Sagi. At first, I didn't put much attention towards him. But, he beat me twice on things that I thought I'm the best! God, he is good! I admit it, he is good. And that's how he came on my radar. LOL. Never felt the 'click' like this towards other guy! He keeps telling me that he love me, almost each time we talk. But, I have a trust issue and sadly my best friend fall for him and he seems 'respond' to her. I don't want to trust that he love me, but his eyes when he say it...well, may be that's the power of Sagi man, I mean to make you believe that he's in love with you. I try to get away from him, but end up with...I don't know how to put it into words. It's so strange...a happy strange...
Also, my best friend seems like she won't allow me near him. So I barely reach him now..It's supposed to be a good thing, since I intend to give him up. I even helping my best friend, so they can go together. But, feels so wrong.
Well, if any of you are a Sagi man or an Aries woman with a Sagi man. Please help me make a right decision! Should I trust him? I still can feel the pain because of my last Pisces. I'm scared & hurt. I don't want to hurt myself again by choosing the wrong guy. Especially, the best guy I ever feel.
1/29/2013 12:22 PM
2/21/2013 1:31 PM
OMG!! I am going thru the same thing!!!! I see its been awhile...can u tell me what u did? I either keep at it or just cut him loose...
2/26/2013 4:20 PM
I am an aries. I am female. I am strong, independant, sensitive, sentimental, flirty, gregarious, charming, intuitive and insightful. I was born to lead and follow. I was born to love. I want to encourage everyone to just appreciate who they are and learn that love truly comes from within. I'm not trying to be sappy or sound like a quote or bumper sticker. Im here to speak truth. I too, have dated different signs and different men, but we cannot be so shallow to think that the reasons any of these relationships worked or didnt work based on astrology. It boils down to it just wasnt meant to be. For those who havnt found true love: you have had it all along, because it comes from you, you just havnt recognized what true love is, which is why you search for it to come from the outside or a Leo, Virgo, Scorpio. Once you grasp that love comes from you, then love will always be yours and love will always be yours to give. You will also be able to weed out those, no matter what the sign, who are there to harm you vs. Appreciate you. Yes, we are strong wemon, but we are also, kind, giving, loving, faithful, loyal. Careful, that in trying to display all of your bravo and courage that you leave behind the other even stronger traits, such as sensitivity and care. Im proud to be an Aries, just not in the overly egotistical, bitter, hateful way that some have expressed on this feed. I have also found that no matter what sign I dated, had friendships with, worked beside they possessed wonderful positive attributes and even if they ended, they were still a wonderful experience to lear and grow from. I will continue to keep my heart and mind open to any sign, because I know it wasnt their sign that kept it from working, but many other attributing factors. I refuse to put myself or anyone else in such a small box or such rigid lines. Instead of trying to figure this person out or if this will work because of this, that or the other, how about taking it one step at a time, take it as a life experience and as you get to know them and what they have to offer ask yourself if it will work for you and your life, but before you ask that, you must know the life you want to have. Good luck trying to find real love based on an astrological sign match up. Yours truly, An Aries lady
3/01/2013 2:19 PM
Unfortunately, this so called "possessive" and "controlling" nature can arch into their relationships with their children, children's spouses and even grandchildren. I have an Aries mother-in-law and have suffered at her hands for over two years now since I was pregnant with my son. She lost it when she found out when we were going to try for a home birth and called incessantly to get us to go a different route. In addition to the annoying nature of her behavior, she would call my husband out on errands to do things for HER all the way in to the late third trimester of my pregnancy. I wanted to wait until the baby arrived to figure out what kinds of things he would need which meant no baby shower. Apparently, this didn't sit too well with her and she had a Grandma Shower thrown for her. While she told me I would not be getting any gifts, I felt cornered and powerless as people were giving me things that would only clutter up our at the time very small home that only held our essential living items.
Now, she gets to play victim to her family members and I've been tagged the aggressor and instigator.
There are a whole HOST of problems with how crazy Aries women can get.
In addition to possessive and controlling, there is also spiteful, destructive, vindictive, wrathful, and a plethora of other hurtful words.
We have cut her off and have gotten a P.O. Box so that she can't find out our physical address.
3/01/2013 7:26 PM
So so true sister Aries we fall in love with the ones who mess us up and the ones we can't have. We love deep and we are truthful and faithful but cannot get this in return. I too believe most of us will be i won't say alone but without permanent male commitment but as i have realized over the years i can life without a man. Honestly I'm tired of even trying i would much rather travel and enjoy what life and friends i have God has blessed me in many other ways i am who i am as an aries. I represent a sign of truth loyalty and compassion
3/09/2013 12:06 AM
Wow !!!!! I don't know what Aries females you encountered but speaking on me personally i have never cheated even when i got cheated on and that was pretty much every so called relationship i had I could never be deceitful and try and fool around with more than one man it's disrespectful and my mentality is better than that I'm now 43 and i have not dated nor have had sex in 5 yrs. I have never manipulated anyone i expect honesty and respect as i will give the same to you. I value myself because i know who i am and how i represent myself to others. My energy as you call it is used constructivly for good not self destructive things. cheating , manipulation is morbid and i got better more positive things to do with my time and people i associate with.whoever did you wrong or someone close to you I'm sorry but you scold and put them down and not generalize on all aries females. There's always gon be a few bad apples
3/09/2013 1:14 AM word I am an Aries very loyal,honest and trustworthy and I want same thing in return in a relationship,I am dating a Cancer man very moody of course but very caring and loving .I enjoy his company he has time I just smile all the way ,when he is moody I immediately give him more space .Damn..we love each other the fire always burning our love making very hot .
3/09/2013 1:33 PM word I am an Aries very loyal,honest and trustworthy and I want same thing in return in a relationship,I am dating a Cancer man very moody of course but very caring and loving .I enjoy his company he has time I just smile all the way ,when he is moody I immediately give him more space .Damn..we love each other the fire always burning our love making very hot .
3/09/2013 1:33 PM
Yes!!!!!! I am dealing with a Gemini right Now and as an aries female, geminis are Always getting to us. But let me give you a little advice: compromise. Just like an aries woman has to learn how to let a gemini be a gemini, a gemini has to learn to Always makes,sure that an aries,woman knows,shes number one. We know you have other things going on, so do we, its the little things you do that make us feel special. Geminis men and aries,woman are very compatible if we both learn compromise, and when BOTH signs are in love (because for it to work a gemini man has to be totally in love,with you and trust me you will know,when they are) they both come to a happy medium.
3/16/2013 8:12 AM
Me too! Im also dealing with a But I have question... Why are all gemini men attracted to us be we arent Always,attracted to them? alot of men are,attracted to me But thats just because of my aries nature. But geminis seem to like me the most, But ive only been attracted to one, which is the one im dealing with Now. Why is that?
3/16/2013 9:00 AM
I am a aries woman and I too am dating an aquarius guy. The thing about it is I've been dealing with him in and off for the past 10 years now....I really liked him the first time around and also the 2nd time as well but we ended up getting into this huge fight which I felt was more of a misunderstanding. Anywho it ended in us going our seperate ways and a couple years later we our reunited again...more mature and older....but the thinh about it is I don't know what to make of this situation. Lol I don't know if I even like him as much as I did before but I deal with him and when we're together it cool.....Aquarius men well at least him seem to be moody and bitchy and if I had anything to complain.about that would be other than dat I don't seem to hear from him until its time for us to hang out and that has started to become kind of a problem as well...I just don't feel fulfilled when it comes to men and's like I can't find the perfect match or at least the right combination to accomodate my style lol....*sighs* just feel like calling it quits and being single with type of communication with men for a while....but the thought of being lonely which I am as it is makes me sad and crazy.....all at the same time can't we just be more compatible with other signs
4/10/2013 6:19 PM
4yrs of dating a CANCER man, very challenging to say the least. Which I like, it's not boring. He's extremely moody and sensitive, we're complete opposites on an emotional level, which makes for great chemistry in and out of the bedroom, but its a struggle emotionally for me. I let go and like a typical cancer he re-surfaces. Love seems to be a "taboo" word for him to say and a "taboo" emotion for him to embrace, due to the hurt from his past relationships but he certainly doesn't have a hard time showing it or wanting it, that's how I've been able to hang in there this long. I'm open to talking about my feelings, but he isn't. This annoys me. Not sure what's next, as of now I am totally fed up and I shut off completely...the COLD Aries BLIZZARD has taking be continued or maybe not......
5/09/2013 7:37 PM
I have to say that the only zodiac that took my heart is a cancer and i tryed leo but we just seemed.diffrent now with a libra and i just want to be inlove with him like he is with me but i still think about that cancer that got away
5/10/2013 1:53 AM
I want to testify to the Goodness of DR.STANLEY for bring my lover back to me after 2days he casted the spell, my lover left me and my 2 kids for another woman but now all the thanks goes to Dr. Stanley for bringing him back to me if you are in any type of problem in your relationships or in your broken marriage contact Dr. Stanley on his email address for help on Belinda.
5/23/2013 6:48 AM
I'm an aries woman, born March 22. I am only possessive when I'm "with" my man because I love the attention, in and out of bed. Other than that, I want him out the house! I can't stand being under a man for so long. I love my me time and doing what I want to do without him. And I'm far from a nagger. I like for us to say what we need to say and leave it at agreeing to disagree. I've been like this in all my relationships. Is there any other aries who has this same attitude?
7/04/2013 2:18 PM
So perfectly true... I am struggling in a relationship with a freaking stubborn Virgo man.... WHY would he possibly need time away from me? He expects me to get him, but refuses to get me... I even sent him this article which he said was too long to read... He's constantly trying to make ME out to be the crazy one.... I am not... I just expect complete psychogical, emotional and physical fidelity... Which I am perfectly able to provide..... I would kill and die for him, yet, he says he never worries about me when I'm out... Why isn't He jealous and possessive of me??! I feel like a freaking fool.... Wahhhhhhh!
7/06/2013 12:39 PM
COLD? CALLOUS? WOWWWW... never heard those comments attributed to Aries female... You're a big freaking pussy..... There's no sign but you out there that would say that.... We are the best women to have by your side in battle, and most likely, we have actually BEEN to war... Buck up.... Go for a little bitch who'll darn your socks... You don't know how to handle an Aries woman...
7/06/2013 1:06 PM
Spiritually immature?! Wowwww... That's crap... I've been with a nitpicking has to be by himself Virgo for four years, and I KNOW I'm the ONLY person that gets his intelligence, deep rooted self criticism.... I don't like you.... You're a big freaking pussy....
7/06/2013 1:18 PM
An Aries woman would never take back a freaking prat who cheated on her... Just saying... Woman to woman.... Get it together... My Virgo man knows up front I will have complete fidelity or... He'll suffer the consequences....
7/06/2013 1:23 PM
I'm more of a swinging dick than YOU'LL ever be.... Limpdick....
7/06/2013 1:25 PM
7/08/2013 2:32 PM
I have read many times that scorpio can hurt us. We maybe all of the above but also we can be relatively naieve. I have looked up compatable partners and found we have four compatable zodiac signs. Most signs only have two or three. I have been with my Aquarius man for 12 years we started dating when we were 15 years old. He is different than any boy I ever dated. He can handle my tantrums and thinks I'm fresh. We never tire he keeps me on my toes. Though he is bitchy at times and manipulative and full of stories and odd behavior, he is charming keeps me guessing sex is great when and if you can get it but it dies out after a while :-( ...
7/09/2013 8:50 AM
i am in love with a leo man.. i lost him because of my adamant behaviour and being dominant over him. i always thought him as overpossessive and got irritated.. but now when there's no one to wipe my tears .. i miss his presence like hell.. he got tired of protecting me at every step.. gave up and finally accepted that i was strong enough to take care of myself.. but he was wrong.. i am alone.. and desperately need him.. cn't get him outta mah head..i feel like gettin tortured day by day.. i want him back.. n i know that he is gonna never cum back.. i hate u..
7/16/2013 12:57 PM
Being an ARIES female...I must admit that the poem is me to a T....Ive been hurt by a Scorpio...I have loved an Aquarius who I thought was my match but he wasnt able to offer time I need....People must understand that an Aries needs to be loved and given attention...Its just that simple...We want things in life that are FREE...we are not materialistic....we just want LOVE
7/27/2013 6:42 PM
I was in a 13yr relationship with a Scorpio. It was great, we had our ups & downs & had 2 wonderful children. My ego & always having to be #1 he handled great, but in the end we both ended up feeling bitter & alone after all the heated arguments & ugly things we BOTH said. I have been single for 1yr exactly, today . My X Scorpio is constantly trying to get me back, but honestly am not in love with him anymore. I will always care & he will always b a part of my life but.... I havebeen seeing an aAquarius now for 10mo & its going great (except the sex isn't as intense/exciting as it was with my X). He makes me laugh/smile in a way I havnt in many yrs. I am still not considered his "gf" because he is damaged from previous relationships, but we both give eachothr the right amount of space & I just have to see wht happens.
7/30/2013 1:11 AM
I am an Aries lady. I dated a Leo man & we couldn't get along for two minutes! He had terrible mood swings & would flip out with no warning at all. However without the romantic element, we have become great friends. No Leos for me. Aquarius does it for me!
8/03/2013 9:55 PM
OMG! This is me to a Tee! I hate when he gives attention that should be mine to others! Especially other women! I have to be no. 1 in his life. other than his kids, of course. I feel that if he truly loves me like he says, then that is the place I deserve in his life! & I absolutely won't tolerate being ignored, neglected or taken for granted! No way!
8/03/2013 10:06 PM
i feel Leo men are not easily to handle... their ego clashes with the Aries women.. The leos are much more harsh and practical than the Aries women.. But being an Arian, i won't let myself down.. amd prove that i am not an easy chick to play with..
8/16/2013 5:59 AM
I am a first week Aries. I make this distinction as every week of the Aries sign is absolutely different. I can hardly stand a late Aries woman, but I also believe it has to do with our rising signs, houses, etc. I would never limit the description of myself or any other astrological sign to some random writings written by god-knows-who, which is why I do not follow any religious texts. You have to take people as they come, either you can stand them or you can't, so why tither on about it? How Aries is that? I don't know, but I dislike anything where positive change, progress or evolution is not happening. I find keeping an open mind about the individuality of any person to be the greatest "Aries" quality I possess, but then again, maybe I inherited my open-mindedness from observing and experiencing life, mine and/or others.
9/12/2013 5:02 PM
Thank you!! Needed to read that lol you just saved someone's life.
9/14/2013 10:49 AM
Im a taraus female ,and i never understood the aires female. What if a aires female dated a aires male .and the aires male had a baby on the way while they were together would they last?
9/23/2013 12:07 AM
They can last if the female Aries is not too controlling. If it is a late Aries woman with an early Aries man, she will run over him and bitch about it. Although she really does not want him to control her. She just likes the drama, if she grew up with drama she will continue making messes, causing problems for everyone.
10/13/2013 1:48 AM
hello aries women fyi im seeing one of you and it couldnt be better im a few years older but can still keep her attention and she has openly told me that shes never felt so at ease and caught off guard before im a leo and fell for her without even talking to her best thing ever to happen and yeah theres drama too love it lol
10/19/2013 6:38 AM
I want to use this opportunity to tell everyone about Dr Sango of on how he help me reunited with my husband after 2 months of divorce.My husband divorce me because he saw another woman in his office and he said to me that he is no longer in love with me anymore and decide to divorce me.I seek help from the Net and i saw good talk about Dr Sango and i contact him and explain my problem to him and he cast a spell for me which i use to get my husband back within 2 days.If you need his help Email him at
10/21/2013 8:17 PM
I am an Aries Girl. Your description about Aries Girl suits me 100%. Thanks for this blog.
10/23/2013 8:35 AM
Hello I am Nancy ,I am out here to spreed this good news to the entire world on how I got my ex lover back.I was going crazy when my love left me for another girl last month, But when i meet a friend that introduce me to Dr Sango the great messenger to the oracle that he serve,I narrated my problem to Dr Sango about how my ex love left me and also how i needed to get a job in a very big company.He only said to me that i have come to the right place were i will be getting my heart desire without any side effect.He told me what i need to do,After it was been done,In the next 2 days,My love called me on the phone and was saying sorry for living me before now and also in the next one week after my love called me to be pleading for forgiveness,I was called for interview in my desired company were i needed to work as the managing director..I am so happy and overwhelmed that i have to tell this to the entire world to contact Dr Sango at the following email address
10/23/2013 7:23 PM
After reading all the posts I just has to comment! As an Aries woman the characteristics you mentioned describe me to a T. All I want is security, assurance, and loyalty. I have to feel like my man values me. I'm a very independent person but I can be submissive to (to an extent) the right man. For example I dated a Scorpio man for almost two years and I let him lead the relationship. This man had my head gone! Honestly I'm still think about that amazing passion we shared two years after he left me for another woman smh. When things were good with us everything felt like a fairytale. He called me every morning before he went to work, texted me all day, and called me when he got off work. It's like we couldn't get enough of each other...two magnets drawn to each other. He constantly told me he was in love with me with is exactly what I need...reassurance. He always treated me like a lady opening doors, pulling out my chair, holding and kissing my hand, buying me gifts, showing lots of PDA. He was proud to have me on his arm wanting everybody to know I was his lady. Again that reassurance I needed. Now to the bad part. When something went wrong in his life he completely shut me out. Sometimes I wouldn't hear from him for weeks at a time then he would suddenly reappear after a nasty text from me cursing him out. I tried to help and encourage him but he would just shut me out and I couldn't take it. He truly took me on an emotional roller-coaster making me feel like I was on cloud 9 one moment then the scum of the earth the next. It finally ended after he saw me talking to another guy at party. He assumed the worst and ignored me for the rest of the night. I was so loyal to this man even sticking by him after he treated me like shit so that devastated me. I saw him flirting with another woman after the party which he denied. He basically tried to make me seem like a crazy woman smh. I pulled him to the side to talk about he just kissed me and said I love you before walking away. What the fuck?! I texted him trying to figure things out and he said we werent compatible anymore. I know at this point I should have been completely done but my Aries nature wanted the last say so. A few weeks later he called me like nothing happened and even talked about marriage. My head was so gone I just fell right back into the trap. A few days later he called to tell me he had met another woman and wanted to start dating her (the girl I saw him flirting with). I called him every degrading name in the book and hung up the phone. Shortly after I found out he had cheated on me with several women. I saw him at another party a couple of months later and it was like we were drawn to each other. We danced and kissed all night but he refused to have sex with me. I just wanted that last bit of gratification I guess. Turns out he was still with the girl he left me for (after lying about it) and got her pregnant. A few weeks later I found out he had broken up with her and started seeing someone he cheated on her with. I'm still affected by that situation and steer clear of ALL water signs. I don't trust any of them, especially Scorpios.
I'm currently seeing a Libra but he's a little too insecure for my taste. I try to encourage him and boost his ego but he's always so down on himself. I can't stand negative people so this is really bothering me. Also he will show me a lot of attention for a period then it will slow down. I need that consistency and loyalty. I really want to date another fire sign. Previously I dated an Aquarius and we are still good friends. He was a little too independent for my liking. I think sometimes he forgot we were in a relationship but we did and still do have some amazing conversations.
11/05/2013 1:55 AM
What i feel is that no doubt Leo men are strong enough but still they play safe and try a lot not to fall into some soup... They are stubborn in both the cases when they want something and when they desperately hate something... They are actually heartless. Aries womeb being practical are also emotional at the same time. Arians are true warriors and just because they can always have a fresh start get to bear a lot.. when my ex wanted me to be with him he was all on his knees and now when he doesn't wants to be with me, he makes me feel this at every point that i m no more important in his life. But, i don't understand that if he doesn't wish to stay with me forever then why is he in touch with me. He is in a different state, i so far away from him... is it like that he doesn't want to lose his control over me?? i don't understand what does he want from me?? i hate him... somebody help me out... and suggest what should i do... how should i get rid of him???
11/15/2013 6:10 AM
What i feel is that no doubt Leo men are strong enough but still they play safe and try a lot not to fall into some soup... They are stubborn in both the cases when they want something and when they desperately hate something... They are actually heartless. Aries womeb being practical are also emotional at the same time. Arians are true warriors and just because they can always have a fresh start get to bear a lot.. when my ex wanted me to be with him he was all on his knees and now when he doesn't wants to be with me, he makes me feel this at every point that i m no more important in his life. But, i don't understand that if he doesn't wish to stay with me forever then why is he in touch with me. He is in a different state, i so far away from him... is it like that he doesn't want to lose his control over me?? i don't understand what does he want from me?? i hate him... somebody help me out... and suggest what should i do... how should i get rid of him???
11/15/2013 6:10 AM
I attract Scorpio men like a bee to nectar but THOSE MF WILL STING U IF THEY CANT CONTROL EVERY PART OF U. YES THE PASSION IS SO REAL AND PURE BUT THEN HE CAN TURN ABUSIVE/Rapist/Stalk and manipulate and tell half truths.Negating all the previous love making.
11/20/2013 1:21 PM
11/20/2013 1:36 PM
You are the very best at what you do. This site has made my deepest desire so simple! This has everything I could possibly need. Ekaka thanks for all your love and help. Your love spell brought my love back to me, after 3 years from the moment we broke up. And this evil woman finally disappeared. You chose me even if you can only take two clients a week and I am glad I chose you
11/26/2013 3:47 AM
I AM SANDRA my husband dumped me 9(nine) months ago after I accused him of seeing another girl. I wanted him back in my life but he refused to have any contact with me. He changed his mobile number, blocked me from sending him mails and even on facebook. I was so confused and lost concentration that made me lose my job, it was disastrous. I kept seeing on several blogs how a spell caster keeps helping people get their ex back and I contacted this spell caster called Dr OYAKHILOMEN for help, he assured me in 48hours that my ex will return to me, and to my greatest surprise my ex called me for the first time since we broke up. I am so happy that my love is back again, we are now happier than ever and I have gotten a job far better than my previous one, once again thank you Dr OYAKHILOMEN, you are truly gifted and powerful. Email this wonderful man on He is the only answer to your problems. He can be of great help and I will not stop publishing his name for the good work he did for me . again his email address is
11/30/2013 6:36 PM
My name is Sandra from Switzerland; I want to personally thank a great spell caster (Dr. Stanley) that helps me to bring back my lover in just three days. It was like dream in my eyes when i see my man comes back to me with the help of Dr. Stanley the great spell caster. I want to use the opportunity to tell the people on this site that Dr. Stanley is a good man and very kind person being sent by God. So if you are in any relationship problem Dr. Stanley is available to help you he did mine so he can do yours no matter what the problem is Dr. Stanley is capable to restore your lost love back to you. Here is his contact e-mail: or call +2348038139297.
12/11/2013 7:03 PM
Wow, this site was a really informative read, I am a scorpio and have been head over heels with an aries woman for years. I had settled for another relationship at some point because I was so intimidated by her, but we recently saw each other for dinner and I am so... smitten, I would marry her in a heartbeat and be all the things that an aries woman likes. Can't get her out of my head but I know to hold off, not act too over interested, and as a scorp, i got the mysterious part down. Thanks again to all of you for sharing I will pray I am the one because I know she's gotta be the one for me!
12/12/2013 12:03 AM
I don't know how to thank you enough for your work Dr obodo. My Ex is back and giving me all the attention. It might have just been another spell for you but for me it changed my Dr @
cell +2348155425481
12/15/2013 2:44 AM
Testimony of my life!!
I am Anna Anderson from UK, after 4 years in marriage with my husband,
he divorced me and brought in another lady, i did all i could to get
him back but all proved abortive, until a old friend of mine told me
about a spell caster Dr.ODUDUA on the internet who helped her in a similar issue, at first i doubted it but I decided to give it a try, when I contacted him ( he helped me cast a re-unite spell and within 48 hours me and my husband come together again. Contact this great spell caster on your relationship or marriage problems and counseling at
Best Regards,
Anna Anderson.
12/18/2013 6:35 AM
Never be unhappy because your lover desert you or something or because of some challenges, you let that make you have bad moments for i once really wish to commit suicide because of how my husband left me after a year of our marriage to another woman and that made me really sick and not until LORD ESIENDO of HOODOOSPELLCASTS@OUTLOOK.COM helped me bring back my lover. What i thought was over was not over and i didn't make it myself but LORD ESIENDO did for me and if i could be helped out of what i thought was over, then certainly just believe now in your hearts that he too can help you and reach him for help via his email and then that which you thought was impossible will be possible. Of a truth LORD ESIENDO is Lord of all Spells and Magic....
12/19/2013 7:00 PM
Hello to every one out here, am here to share the unexpected miracle that happened to me three days ago, My name is James mack i live in United State,and I`m happily married to a lovely and caring wife,with two kids A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my wife so terrible that she took the case to court for a divorce she said that she never wanted to stay with me again,and that she did not love me anymore So she packed out of my house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get her back,after much begging,but all to no avail and she confirmed it that she has made her decision,and she never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my wife So i explained every thing to her,so she told me that the only way i can get my wife back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for her too So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow her advice. Then she gave me the email address of the spell caster whom she visited.(}, So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address she gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my wife back the next day what an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my wife who did not call me for the past seven {7}months,gave me a call to inform me that she was coming back So Amazing!! So that was how she came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and she apologized for her mistake,and for the pain she caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster . So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same website {},i f you are in any condition like this,or you have any problem related to "bringing your ex back. So thanks to Dr PAPA for bringing back my wife,and brought great joy to my family once again.(}, Thanks..
12/31/2013 2:36 AM
Im a male leo, and I just moved in with my Aries girlfriend, I'm 35 and she's 26, we meet online only a month and a half ago and since she lives in another city we decided to give it a go at living together I my place. She the most powerful women I have meet, and one of the brightest. So far we have ha a great time but given that not your typical alpha male leo, I'm more of a caring supportive portector person. Any advice from you gals as to not let things cool of and get boring for her? I must say I'm completely heads over heels for her and don't want to screw my chances
1/11/2014 1:37 PM
Thanks to Dr. Egbe
My name is Williams james from Northern ireland i am here to spread the entire world of a real spell spell caster called Dr. Egbe Golden who just helped me to retrieve back my union with my wife.. I have been scammed by alot of spell casters but i was later introduced to Dr. Egbe by a friend named Thomas to this great man who helped me and wipe away my tears. So viewers of this wonderful testimony who wants to contact him like:
So brothers and sisters i have tested this man DR. EGBE GOLDEN and i have found that he is real and genuine. i am now the happiest man on earth today Contact him today via his email id and be joyful (
More gratitude and thanks to you again the great DOCTOR..
1/13/2014 5:16 PM
Am so happy to testify about a great spell caster that helped me when all hope was lost for me to unite with my ex girl friend that i love so much. my name is Richmond,Am from Italy and i had a girl friend that love me so much but something terrible happen to our relationship one afternoon when her girl friend that was always trying to get to me was trying to force me to make love to her just because she was been jealous of her friend that i was dating and on the scene my girl friend just walk in and she thought we had something special doing together, i tried to explain things to her that her friend always do this when ever she is not with me and i always refuse her but i never told her because i did not want the both of them to be enemies to each other but she never believed me. She broke up with me and i tried times with out numbers to make her believe me but she never believed me until one day i heard about the GREAT Dr. Ogba and i emailed him with his email and he replied me so kindly and help me get back my lovely relationship that was already gone for two months. Am so happy and all thanks to the GREAT DR. Ogba that help me with his white love powers. If you have any kind of problem email him now for help with his email
1/16/2014 8:34 PM
Am so happy to testify about a great spell caster that helped me when all hope was lost for me to unite with my ex girl friend that i love so much. my name is Richmond,Am from Italy and i had a girl friend that love me so much but something terrible happen to our relationship one afternoon when her girl friend that was always trying to get to me was trying to force me to make love to her just because she was been jealous of her friend that i was dating and on the scene my girl friend just walk in and she thought we had something special doing together, i tried to explain things to her that her friend always do this when ever she is not with me and i always refuse her but i never told her because i did not want the both of them to be enemies to each other but she never believed me. She broke up with me and i tried times with out numbers to make her believe me but she never believed me until one day i heard about the GREAT Dr. Ogba and i emailed him with his email and he replied me so kindly and help me get back my lovely relationship that was already gone for two months. Am so happy and all thanks to the GREAT DR. Ogba that help me with his white love powers. If you have any kind of problem email him now for help with his email
1/16/2014 9:21 PM
Dr. Lee just wanted to update you, that Luis came to my work today, he was amazing towards me, just wanted to hold me and kiss me, I don't know what you've done, but that was absolutely amazing, he was all over me, I want to thank you so much for that, you are my angel send from God. I don't know what to say, that was amazing, I have never seen him like that. He just wanted to hold me and kiss me. I thank God everyday for knowing you and having you in my life. I love you, you are my angel.... If you need his assistance in life contact him:
1/18/2014 2:38 PM
Dr baba is like a father to the fatherless.. i never believed these will really make a change in my marriage, and i never have it in my thought that i could ever been with my husband Mr Devis after divorcing and ending our 33years marriage.... My life was upset i never knew where to start from when my husband broke up with me.....My name is Olivia Devis from Poland but got married and live in Chicago USA, is the right email address to contact for an urgent help in getting your lover back.... My husband and I have been together for 33years before he divorced me and i was so upset because i thought i have lost my marriage forever... i did all i could to please for my husband to bring me back home but all to be in vain.. i had to traveled away from my state because i was not having anywhere to stay because my home was not conducive for me to stay because my husband want me out of the house, i travel to a friend of mine in California, one night, when i was searching on a good spell caster results that help in bringing back lost lover's and husband's, i found an interesting story that was shared by Sonia From Texas Huston, about a good spell caster called DrBABA,and how he helped her in getting her husband back home, and i decided to put a try in contacting him... he replied me back.. i thought at first these was just normal and he told me that i was going to get back my husband after a period of 28hours i still doubted him.... But today as i am sharing these good news is for me to express my experience to all the whole universe that these is a good spell caster that helps in bringing back lost lovers and he is ( I am happily with my husband and my 3 kids, TARRY, WENDY, JEFF... great BABA i thank you for helping me to get my family back.... his email address is ( Thanks, From Olivia Devis
, baBA is my Grandfather because he was always there for me when i needed him mostly and he is the reason why i am happy today.
1/19/2014 3:36 PM
my husband AND I have been married for 6years now,we have been unable to conceive,4 months ago he moved to another state leaving me 2000 miles apart from him . I have tried everything possible i am very sad and hurt suddenly he started to hated me it seems one sec he love me the next he hate me when ever we connect he gets really angry for no reason and in a big rush and can’t breath around me and as soon as were apart he is fine he says i am very hot and it makes him uncomfortable to hold me all i know is i sleep sleep sleep when were together cant seem to wake up when he is away i am awake something is wrong.March 2013,someone introduce me to this great man,father,spell caster by name Prophet Osaze on spirituallove@hotmail. com and the spell caster did a reunify spell for me and my husband and also blessed us with the fruit of the womb.Am happy to say that am expecting a baby boy to be called mine in 3months time, just as i am writing now, if my husband don't see me in a second he would rather do everything to meet me. I really want to thank the spell caster for his great works spell. i owe can met with him on spirituallove@hotmail. com .
1/19/2014 8:08 PM
Am a divorced Aries woman who fell for a cancer male, I was madly in love, he cheated, am feeling shattered. Is this a cancer trait? I can never go back but can't seem to move forward. My ego is rocked, any advice on how to move on?
1/20/2014 6:19 PM
My ex boyfriend was been separated from by his parent long ago, since then i still think about him and still have feelings for him. There was a day i went online to search for help, I came across different people's comment and their good news how they were all able to get back their lover. I was so sad and almost gave up on him, when i saw a comment of a girl that impressed me about a man called Dr.Ijebu, who helped her get her lover back. I contacted him and asked him to do the same for me which he asked me for few things i gave to him. Ever since then i have been so happy and couldn't believe it would happen. He also helped a friend of mine with his spell, I have been living happily with my lover now and will be getting married soon. Here is his email address to contact him if you need his help
1/23/2014 4:47 AM
My ex boyfriend was been separated from by his parent long ago, since then i still think about him and still have feelings for him. There was a day i went online to search for help, I came across different people's comment and their good news how they were all able to get back their lover. I was so sad and almost gave up on him, when i saw a comment of a girl that impressed me about a man called Dr.Ijebu, who helped her get her lover back. I contacted him and asked him to do the same for me which he asked me for few things i gave to him. Ever since then i have been so happy and couldn't believe it would happen. He also helped a friend of mine with his spell, I have been living happily with my lover now and will be getting married soon. Here is his email address to contact him if you need his help
1/23/2014 4:49 AM
An amazing testimony on a spell caster who brought my wife back to me..
My name is Andy Sowers,i live in Australia,and I'm happily married to a lovely and caring wife,with two kids.A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my terrible that she took the case to court for a divorce.she said that she never wanted to stay with me again,and that she didn't love me anymore.So she packed out of my house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get her back,after much begging,but all to no avail.and she confirmed it that she has made her decision,and she never wanted to see me again.
So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my wife.So i explained every thing to her,so she told me that the only way i can get my wife back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for her too.So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow her advice. Then she gave me the email address of the spell caster whom she visited.{}.
So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address she gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my wife back the next day.What an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my wife who didn't call me for the past seven {7}months,gave me a call to inform me that she was coming back.So Amazing!! So that was how she came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and she apologized for her mistake,and for the pain she caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster.
So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same website {},if you are in any condition like this,or you have any problem related to "bringing your ex back.
So thanks to the supremelovespellcaster for bringing back my wife,and brought great joy to my family once again.
1/25/2014 6:28 PM
I am an Aries SUN but a Pisces MOON! I'm an extrovert and an introvert because of my watery sign. I love people as much as I love my own company.
I found my soul mate in an Aquarius man. Not because of any astrology but because of what we've been through related to his drug abuse problem. The more feelings,effort, energy, money you invest the more you become attached to that person.
I was dating a Pisces but he fed me the whole cake instead of giving me a slice, by slice. So i got sick of him in less than a month but WOW I must say they can sweep you off your feet with their romantic candle lit dinners and giving their 100% like they've never been hurt before...just unlucky he's poured it out to an Aries woman.. he eventually became to gooey and hard for me to stand so I had to run.
Dated a Sagittarius and it was like chilling with a best mate or homie, well thats how he treated our relationship he got too comfortable, then it got too boring for my crazy self as I want to feel wanted, desired.
Now I'm seeing a Virgo man. I found an unusual sense of comfort with this Virguy. We've been seeing for over a month now and haven't kissed. He's 28 and I'm 21, I dont think I'd ever date a young Virgoan as they can disappear, be hot and then cold, this guy is a true Virgo but without the disappearing act. He's more mature and sure on what he's getting himself into. Mysterious and quite happy in his comfort zone but I'm definitely bringing him out there and experience the more fun things in life :)
He gives me a sense of stability. No dramas with this guy. Just hope it doesn't get too boring as I can lose interest just as quick as I caught it.
Hopefully opposites attract, and that our more developed, mature astrology traits make us work throughout our differences!
Arian women with Virgoan men: Patience, Don't expect affection that you crave, from this guy, they can take their sweet a*s time. If you think he's worth it then stick around, I'm sure in time we Arians will get right under their sleeves. We possess traits that they dont. And it's a really good Yin and yang complement.
1/28/2014 9:37 PM
I was crushed when my lover of three years left to be with another woman. I cried and sobbed every day, until it got so bad that I reached out to the Internet for help. And i saw a testimony of a spell caster ( who help a girl to get her boyfriend back with a love spell and i said let me give it a try so i contact him for help and he cast a love spell for me which i use in getting my love back and now i am a happy woman. For what you have done for me, i will not stop to share your goodness to people out there for the good work you are doing. I hope God bless you as much as you have help me to get my Love back.......Whitney
1/29/2014 2:39 AM
Hello Everyone am pamela richard from Canada am here to share a great testimony to everyone here to meet a trustworthy spell caster because there are lots of fake spell caster's on the internet all they do is lie and take people money away without helping them solve there problem have fallen a victim into the hands of some fake spell caster after they kept on lying to me and collect lots of money from me without them solving my problem,But i bless the day i contact this man called Dr Ogba he his a very straight forward spell caster he is trustworthy after my love had a divorce with me for good 2 years he sent me packing and brought another woman into the house i was so sad and unhappy i tried my best to make sure that i get back my lover until a friend of mine in the USA introduced me to Dr Ogba and told me how Dr Ogba has helped a lot of them in the USA and that he his always talked about on the radio station that i should not worry myself that Dr Ogba would grant my heart desire was so happy when i had that,so i contacted Dr Ogba and shared my problem with him he told me not to worry that my lover would be back to my arms within 24 hours i was like wow is this real but believe me my lover called me to come over home in tears and also told me if i don't come over he would kill himself i rushed home i found out that my lover has sent the other lady packing and also told me that he his sorry and made me have access to everything he owns just to prove to me that he would never leave me for any reason am so happy all thanks and adoration goes to Dr Ogba for bring back happiness into my life please be mindful of who you contact for your problem,you can contact Dr Ogba on or cell number +2348116144331
1/29/2014 10:44 PM
My life is back!!! After 8 years of marriage, my husband left me and left me with our three kids. I felt like my life was about to end, and was falling apart. I contacted Dr. OKORO LOVE SPELL and after I explained my problem, In just 3 days my husband came back to us and show me and my kids much love and apologize for all the pain he have bring to the family. We solved our issues, and we are even happier more than ever before Dr. OKORO you are the best spell caster. I really appreciate the love spell you cast for me to get the man back to my life i will keep sharing more testimonies to people about your good work. Thank you once again Dr. OKORO. You can also contact Dr. OKORO via email address: in case you are in any problem you can contact this man for help he is always there in his temple to help you solve your problem Contact Email is: CONTACT HIM TODAY VIA THIS EMAIL ADDRESS: AS HIS POWERS ARE SO STRONG AND VERY EFFECTIVE AND HAS NO BAD EFFECT INSTEAD IT HAVE A VERY GOOD RESULT AFTER CASTING THE SPELL.
Contact Dr. OKORO Via email:
1/31/2014 10:58 AM
Hello my Arian girls! I soo love this blog!!! To finally put all my relationship frustrations in good sense of understanding. I too a "RAM". I really dont need to explain my zodiacs because it is all what it is written here by other lovely Arian sisters. So does my mach. He's an "Aquarius" we have been best friends for almost over three years but referred to each other as boyfriend and girlfriend. In the beginning it wasn't easy to adjust to his "their just friends" but I got use to it. So a pat on the back for being a Ram. the greatest things through out our relationship, we are both a very good supporter. He's the idealist my pusherman and I'm the go getter. As we Rams know! nothing gets in our way. He loves to wach me in action. I love it how he finds it amusing. Our communication subjects are always in the future and what plans are to come ahead. Our fantasies are to seek and see the adventures of the world, which he lights me up from dreaming about it and make it a reality. So here is where I need your favor in return. In the first year we started out as "hey babe" second year "I" surprisingly was referred as "hun" now through the third year He said to me "LET's GET MARRIED" not in a purposely way, but just as I quoted. My respond was "lets work on it" the good thing about him is he's patients. But mind you aquarians gets lost in track of time he can't commit on a set schedule. Which is perfectly fine with where our relationship is now. As we are not bound to each other. We'll I have to get adjusted again to our next step in our relationship? do aquarians know what they mean "lets get married"? To any of you married Aries girls to an aquarian man, help the sister out. And also to the hot!!!! hot!!! Aquarian brothers, let me hear you I would really appreciate... Peace love and prosperity.
2/08/2014 3:51 AM
my name is Lady Ruth's Panrylon i never believe there will ever be a solution to my relationship problem with my lover. my lover called terry panrylon threw me out of his house and brought in another lady who he now feels the only best for him. until one day i receive a phone call from a friend in the city that my man is going out on a date with another woman in town, i told her i am also surprise too, because since Jerry has left me he hardly think nor call me. so after some few days my friend called Martha called me and told me that she has found a man that is very powerful, and he is a great herbalist from Africa, truly we all knows that Africans are blessed with so much herbal voodoo powers which they use to help much people, so he told me that the man name is DR OGIDIGBI, that she will forward his email address for me so that i can contact him for help, so truly she sent me DR OGIDIGBI email address and i contacted him that faithful day. he mailed me after a great while that my man will be back to me if only i believe on his work, so after 25hrs i receive a phone call from Jerry, and he started begging that i should please forgive him against all he had done to me.. he begged me of breaking my heart and letting the other lady a new heart. he promise me never to let go. now i and Jerry are now planning to get married as soon as possible. we are brought back with the great powerful love spell and binded with DR OGIDIGBI spell, we are happy and glad. so i thank you sir for the great help you offer to me, because i think today this might be the only ways and means i can ever thank you of your work.. i am glad. you can contact him for a love spell today at: thank you sir. Email him on:
2/08/2014 7:05 PM
my name is Melissa Lopez and I want to express my gratitude for the extensive work you have done over
the past week. It was a pleasant feeling a lot of warmth and peace flowed
through to me I believe. I felt immediately calmer when the you cast the
magic spell and the feeling stayed with me through-out the next couple of
weeks. I wish to convey that I have received my results this morning. I was
shy to return the talisman to nature and I must tell you I could feel a
pulse from it. Or a slow rhythmic juddering. A vibration even, to the
extent I can hold it; and I feel the imprint of the vibration in my hand
when I take it out again, as this is my first ever experience doing
anything like this I feel the need to record every moment of it. I look
forward to the next chapter in this my spell and help work.DR ukaka
2/09/2014 2:20 AM
Hello every body i want to say thank to priest Oduma for the help him gave me and my family i was abounding by my husband with two kids i have look for help and no one could help me bring back on till a friend of mine told me about this great spell caster called priest Oduma i gave him a chance and in 48hours he brought back my lover to me am so happy now with my family i know you are out there looking help i will advices you to contact this man for help today and see your solution come to you..
Contact him on his email OR call him+2348153363047.
2/11/2014 2:56 PM
My name is Mr john live in Indonesia and I’m happily married with a lovely wife and three children.I had a very big problem with my wife few months ago,to the extent that she even packed her things away from me and my kids for almost 5 months,and i tried all my possible best and effort to bring her back,but all to no avail.I discussed it with a very good friend of mine,and he gave me an advice concerning a spell caster,and i quote.“There’s someone who can handle your situation,he’s always ready and able to do anything related to spell casting,i will like you to contact him with his email,which is as follows.”Ogbapaullovespellcaster1@gmail.comI never believed in spell casting,but he convinced me and i had no choice than to follow his advice,because i never dream of loosing my lovely wife.And that’s how i contacted him with his email address,and i discussed with him and so surprisingly,he told me that I’ll get my wife back a day i never believed,until when i got home,the next day,my wife called me to inform me that she was coming back…..So amazing!! That’s how i got my wife back through spell casting and our relationship was now stronger than how it was before.One of the price i was asked to pay was to tell it to people around me that problems like this,can always be solved by “Dr Ogba ShiRINE”. So! my advice for you out there is to visit this same website,and tell him your pros too,if you are in any condition related to love issue or getting your ex back,to have a happy family.THANKS…… or +2348116144331
2/11/2014 10:18 PM
i want to give thanks to the great OZALOGBO who helped me allot in getting back my love and also helped me in my financial problem.i was in relationship with ANTHONIA both of us lived together in love and in happiness, suddenly she just work up one morning telling me that she is sick and tired of me i was so shocked and confused cause i never did anything wrong to her still i had to plead to her because i love her so much, but she still insisted to breakup with me, i tried all i could to get her back but it was not possible, after she left i was some how financially down i did not know what happened to my finance, so i decided to contact some spell casters which happens to be scams, i was frustrated then decided not to contact any spell caster again, one day i was watching a show when i saw a woman named TINA was giving testimony on how this great man named Dr OZALOGBO helped her in getting back her lover within 24 hours so that was how i decided to give a try and i contacted Dr OZALOGBO and told him about how she left me and my finance,the only thing he said was that i my lover will come back to me and my finance will come up again, that he is going to do all within 24 hours, so just decided to watch and see. in the next 24 hours which he said i got a call from her and she was pleading to me that she is very sorry for what she did to me, the most surprising thing was that the job i applied for in a company for almost 4 months, they just called and told me that i should come and start the work that am capable of doing the job, i was so surprised a tears of joy rolled down from my eyes,i was very very happy and she just came to my house and she started pleading to me, so i accepted her apology and now we are living happily together now, and am working in the company now am happy again. all thanks to Dr OZALOGBO for helping me and for making my dream to come through. for help and for appreciation you can contact Dr OZALOGBO through
2/21/2014 4:01 AM
Hello friends, an awesome and amazing testimony about a Great spell caster i really love to share. My name is Jerry Mike from the United States. Getting my wife back is what i least expected and could never imagine. I and my wife have been married for five years and we have been living happily but all of a sudden she changed completely and turned away from me and i never knew what was going on, i tried to ask her but she refused to tell me what the problem is, and as time went on she sought for a divorce. I was so worried and confused, and i did all my possible best to get her back but it was all in vain and i thought all hope was lost, and during my search for a way out, a friend of mine who had similar problem told me about a great spell caster called Great Ovoko who helped him to solve his problem. I never use to believe in spell casting in my entire life because i never thought it will work but i tried to give this man a chance and to my greatest surprise, he did his work and it yielded a positive result and i was able to get my wife back. Even after the spell caster did his work, i discovered that my wife fell so much in love with me like never before. This spell casting isn't brain washing but he opened up her eyes to see how much i love and needed her, and now i am a happy man again and so i am using this opportunity to tell anyone having similar problem to visit him on Ovokolovespell@gmail. com and he will help you because he is so real, trust worthy and powerful. Once again thank you Great Ovoko and may your gods always reward you for your good deeds.
2/25/2014 7:03 PM
all thanks to the wonderful wonders of work of Dr.kizzekpe my worries are over, it is true at the end of every dark tunnel comes light, i'm happy my husband didn't just walk away ,our four years marriage didn't end up with a woman he met in three weeks,,its amazing how this man works i don't know but i think he is my guardian angle he to me my husband was under a love spell and it how as got a strong hold on him,,i know him more than i know anyone else in my own little world,,just three weeks after meeting this evil lady i got from his lawyer he wants a divorce ,, i was devastated i couldn't figure out what to do knowing if i don't something he is gone and might end up getting hurt at the last second i got in touch with Dr.kizzekpe , i was shocked when he told all this and promised me within three days i'll get back the love of my life then with the i was feel i had no choice but give in and do just what he said and on the second day he canceled the divorce and apologized to me.once again ..Thank you kizzekpe .i'll like to be of help to anyone who is similar situation its good to fight for what you have so you don't lose it .here is his email address, kylie
2/28/2014 9:40 AM
Hello friends,my name is EMILIO i want to give thanks to the great OZALOGBO who helped me allot in getting back my love and also helped me in my financial problem.i was in relationship with ANTHONIA both of us lived together in love and in happiness, suddenly she just work up one morning telling me that she is sick and tired of me i was so shocked and confused cause i never did anything wrong to her still i had to plead to her because i love her so much, but she still insisted to breakup with me, i tried all i could to get her back but it was not possible, after she left i was some how financially down i did not know what happened to my finance, so i decided to contact some spell casters which happens to be scams, i was frustrated then decided not to contact any spell caster again, one day i was watching a show when i saw a woman named TINA was giving testimony on how this great man named Dr OZALOGBO helped her in getting back her lover within 24 hours so that was how i decided to give a try and i contacted Dr OZALOGBO and told him about how she left me and my finance,the only thing he said was that i my lover will come back to me and my finance will come up again, that he is going to do all within 24 hours, so just decided to watch and see. in the next 24 hours which he said i got a call from her and she was pleading to me that she is very sorry for what she did to me, the most surprising thing was that the job i applied for in a company for almost 4 months, they just called and told me that i should come and start the work that am capable of doing the job, i was so surprised a tears of joy rolled down from my eyes,i was very very happy and she just came to my house and she started pleading to me, so i accepted her apology and now we are living happily together now, and am working in the company now am happy again. all thanks to Dr OZALOGBO for helping me and for making my dream to come through. for help and for appreciation you can contact Dr OZALOGBO through
2/28/2014 8:03 PM
Hello every one,i have a true life testimony to share in regards to how my beloved husband broke up and left me with two kids and started dating another woman,i have really been through hell in search for some one who could give me advice on how to get him back but all suggestion's and advice i got from my friends did not work and even i have tried to talk to my husbands parents he was so sturborn and never listened to them and all this make things worse until i was in a very busy shop here in new york when i heard a voice and i turned and i saw my cousin sister whom i have not seen for more than one year we then talked and she ask me how was my husband and behold i just remembered and i burst out of tears,she hold me and ask if anything is wrong, i then narrated the whole story to her and she then refered me to a powerful spell caster called Priest sunny and she gave me the email and instructed i should try him that Priest sunny have also helped her when she had similar issue, so i believed and gave it a try and priest sunny made it clear that my husband was under a spell and glory be to God that after performing all necessary things my husband quarreled with her and just in two days he came looking for me and today we are happy and together as one family once more again. Thanks priest sunny, and if you are also passing through this please i advice you to reach him on his personal email; or call him on +2348135049467.
Name;susan martin.
country;usa,new york.
2/28/2014 8:04 PM
I have a testimony to share, , My name is Mrs. Jenny I'm from the United States now am 54years old Am A doctor in California, I was married for about 54years ago without a child , then me and my husband to go for adoption 2kids male / female . Last years something beautiful and good happened to me, I came across this witch online that promise to help me get pregnant, I totally agree with you , How can I be pregnant despite my age he ask me not to worry that he only specialize in pregnancy no other . It's after work had not been completed no any side effect that was how he told me what to do, I did, would you believe that I miss my periodic time this month and I was pregnant.Today now am the happiest woman on Earth , whilst I bear this website , I know that there are many people who are in trouble that some decide to commit suicide. Please just contact them and using it to make it clear that Ms. Jenny from the United States have focused his email or call +2348035831826
3/03/2014 7:21 PM
i just want to start this way by giving a huge thanks to this man DR ABULU for what he has just done today in my life . at first i thought it won,t work because many has failed me before but on a second thought i said let me just try and to my best surprises Micheal my husband that said and insist he has nothing to do with me and my family called me immediately this great man DR ABULU of ) cast a love spell on him and started begging for forgiveness well i love him so much and at once i accepted him back and today we are both living in pace and harmony, all the same the glory is to this man DR ABULU of DOC I THANK YOU once again for you are worthy of all the thanks in my mouth today and forever am grateful and shall ever be to you . i also want to say if you are out there passing through a similar stuff or issues you can contact him today and i bi live him will also help you out ,,,,
3/04/2014 11:13 AM
I have just found the right spell caster who has bring back my happiness by helping me get my ex back after 2years and i must thank my Dr. Lee who has play a very vital part of my life making me a great person and the most happiest person today you are a great man who is bless by God with traditional healing spell caster, after Dr. Lee has help me get my ex back he also help me recover what i have lost from me i must thank Dr. Lee for the life he has restored back for me and my happiness. Now i am doing well in my work happily with my wife, Dr. Lee is a very great spell caster you need to know just meet him and your problem will be over.. Email him via:
3/07/2014 3:01 AM
Hello readers realy it might sound some how to believe in this my testimony on how DR AJAGBO help me get my ex back. i never believe in spell ontill when my boyfriend broke my hearth, for the deep love i have for him.
i was so suprise when he called me and said that our relationship is over, just because he had found another girl out side club that he is so much in love with more than me. and to me i did not know what else to do, i also explain things to my best friend SONIA, and did you know what she told me she told me that when she was about to loose her husband she contacted DR AJAGBO for help on how she can get her husband back and the spell realy worked for her.she contacted dr ajagbo WITH HIS EMAIL; AJAGBOSPELLTEMPLE@GMAIL.COM.PHONE NUMBER;
+2348156759423. and realy the spell work for her. that what am i waiting for, and me as a person i did not so much believe in spell work. i try my best and i also contact DR AJAGBOSPELLTEMPLE@GMAIL.COM
PHONE NUMBER;+2348156759423. and i also explaian things to him and he said to me woman let not your hearth be troubled dont worry between 2days time you will see the result of my spell. i did not believe not ontill after 2days time my boyfriend gave me a phone call and was begging that he is so sorry for what has happened. not him alone but he came with his friends and they all started begging me for forgiveness.
i realy think their are some people that need's help from this dr ajagbo. because me and my husband have now love each other as never need for you to die in pains. contact him he will help you out i believe he can also do your own for you.all thanks to dr ajagbo for work well don in my life.a realy spell yes you are dr ajagbo, indeed you have saved my marriage. you can contact Dr Ajagbo AT AJAGBOSPELLTEMPLE@GMAIL.COM
3/09/2014 12:08 PM
my name is Lisa and I recently had a breakup with my husband about 4 months back. He said we are done that we should move on that he has someone else now. I could not even bear the pain and everything and just so unfortunate, I discovered I was pregnant when me and my ex we going through some big fights. I couldn’t tell him I was pregnant because I knew he would blame it on me. I suffered with the secret on my own and I could not go through an abortion on my own. The funny thing is I discovered that he had two other girlfriends I was not aware of. I know if I could turn back the hands of time I would do it again because i could not suffer everything alone, I almost drop out of varsity because of a guy. On a faithful day after i lost of thought, an old friend told me about a spell caster wadada with this email: who could help me restore my love and have my baby in good terms. I sacrifice everything to make sure the spell was done. and the spell was now the savior. his spell brought back my lover after 2days. My joy, love and happiness is restored because of this spell caster wadada, my baby comes soon.:
3/09/2014 3:11 PM
my name is Lisa and I recently had a breakup with my husband about 4 months back. He said we are done that we should move on that he has someone else now. I could not even bear the pain and everything and just so unfortunate, I discovered I was pregnant when me and my ex we going through some big fights. I couldn’t tell him I was pregnant because I knew he would blame it on me. I suffered with the secret on my own and I could not go through an abortion on my own. The funny thing is I discovered that he had two other girlfriends I was not aware of. I know if I could turn back the hands of time I would do it again because i could not suffer everything alone, I almost drop out of varsity because of a guy. On a faithful day after i lost of thought, an old friend told me about a spell caster wadada with this email: who could help me restore my love and have my baby in good terms. I sacrifice everything to make sure the spell was done. and the spell was now the savior. his spell brought back my lover after 2days. My joy, love and happiness is restored because of this spell caster wadada, my baby comes soon.:
3/09/2014 3:23 PM
My name is PEARL and...“My life is back!!! After 14 years of Broken
marriage, my husband left me and our two twins . I felt like my life was
about to end i almost commited suicide, i was emotionally down for a very
long time. Thanks to a spell caster called Dr odion which i met online. On
one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet, I was searching
for a good spell caster that can solve my problems. I came across alot of
testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that
he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb,cure
cancer,and other sickness, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop
divorce and so on. i also come across one particular testimony,it was about
a woman called sonia,she testified about how Dr Odion brought back her Ex
lover in less than 7 days and reverse the effect of their little boys
cancer, and at the end of her testimony she dropped Dr odions e-mail
address. After reading all these,I decided to give Dr odion
a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 3
days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are
even happier than before. Dr odion is really a gifted man and i will not
publishing him because he is a wonderful man... If you have a problem and
you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your
problems for you. Try Dr odion anytime, he might be the answer to your
problems. Here's his contact:drodionspelltemple@gmail. com. Thank you Dr
3/12/2014 6:30 PM
I want to use this opportunity to thank Dr. Shiva for helping me to get my boyfriend back after he left me 4 months ago. I have sent friends and my brothers to beg him for me but he refused and said that its over between us but when I met this Dr. Shiva he told me to relaxed that every thing will be fine and really after 2 days my boyfriend come back to me and beg me to forgive him.Just in case anybody need his help email him at:
3/20/2014 10:40 PM
I am writing this because I want to testify how great you are Dr. Lee. Everyone needs to know! I am a very satisfied and happy customer. I can’t tell how long it’s been since I’ve bought spells online, but none of them had the same results than yours. Eliton definitely reconcile with me 2 weeks ago. It was just a few days after you cast your spell. I know I should have messaged you before, but I was a bit scared that he could find out about the spell you did so I removed all your emails. Anyway, I can tell all your future customers who are reading this that they are doing the right thing to go with you for a spell. It was always great communicating with you and all the services you offer are just excellent. Thank you for everything you did for me. Any interested one should contact him through
3/21/2014 3:05 AM
Prohet Osula just wanted to update you, that Luis came to my work today, he was amazing towards me, just wanted to hold me and kiss me, I don’t know what you’ve done, but that was absolutely amazing, he was all over me, I want to thank you so much for that, you are my angel send from God. I don’t know what to say, that was amazing, I have never seen him like that. He just wanted to hold me and kiss me. I thank God everyday for knowing you and having you in my life. I love you, you are my angel…. If you need his assistance in life contact him:
3/24/2014 10:54 AM
Oh my God, I'm so glad to tell everyone the real thing that happen to me...My name is EMILIANO BABARAH. If i refuse to share this testimony it means i am selfish to my self and to people i love so much whom might have similar problems, March 16th about something 7:23pm after taken our dinner my husband got crazy started calling a lady name Melisa I love you, i was so mad and started crying like a baby...then my husband left home for the idiot called Melisa, and never return back home then i believed when he uthen nderstand his self he will surly come back to apology, but instead he left me So i complained to my friend she told me she was having such problems in her marriage until she was introduce to DR ORIOMON who specializes in bringing back broken homes and broken marriages DR ORIOMON cast a spell for me in May 4th surprisingly my husband came home May 6th apologizing that i should forgive him that it will never happen again, i was so glad and gave the thanks to DR ORIOMON who save my marriage, if you are having similar problem you can contact him and His email address is ( you can still save your marriage if u really love your husband.
4/08/2014 8:49 PM
I am lucy, i never factotum believes in spells and magic until I experienced one sometimes ago and it really worked for me . I was in love . With this guy and I have is in love with me for 4 years and We Were Ready to get married until this lady strolled along and took my man away from me . i was really devastated so i contact a friend of mine who now introduces me to drokojie , and I said That he is going to help me cast a spell That We bring back my man Within three day , and I did it I have is the best spell cast in the word Also I solve problems like eg,
( 1) If you want your ex back
( 2) if you always have bad dreams .
( 3) You want to be Promoted in your office .
( 4) You want women / men to run after you .
(5) If you want a child .
(6 ) You want to be rich .
( 7) You want to tie your husband / wife to be
yours forever .
( 8) If you need financial assistance .
( 9) Herbal care
(10 ) If you can not be able to Satisfy your wife
sex desire due or
err low action.
(11 ) if your menstruation refuse to come
out the day it
suppose or over flows.
( 12) your work if you refuse to pay , people
owe owing you? .
( 13) to solve land issue and get it back .
( 14) Did your family Denny you of your
right ?
(15 ) Let my people obey my words and do
(16 ) Do you have a low sperm count ?
( 17) Case solve E.T.C. his email , Friends i must tell you the truth dr egbo is a very reliable spell caster .
4/11/2014 3:40 AM
I want to extend my testimony to people out there looking for help, if you need a spell caster to help you bring back your lover contact or call him at +15036626930, he based united state, i ordered with this caster a love spell and he gave me the most astonishing and wonderful result that i have never seen, he has made me known that there is a helping hand out there whenever I feel the need for it.
Perry James
4/12/2014 5:28 AM
I was crushed when my girlfriend of three years broke up with me and moved to another man. I cried and sobbed every day, until it got so bad that I reached out to the Internet for help. I wasted so much time and effort trying to get her back until I hit on the real thing. It's Dr Ijebu spell, He's different from all the rest he is the diamond in the rough. Thanks to him from the depths of my soul! I am extremely happy now. I hope God blesses him as much as he have helped me to get my girl back, visit him on he can be a great help to you.
4/14/2014 4:11 AM
I had a huge bust up with my partner and he left me, i was so frustrated and i email Dr. Stanley and he said he could help, I must admit, I was very, very skeptical as didn't really believe he would be back after all he said, but it was just a few days when he phoned and asked to come over to talk, we talked and talked and the silly misunderstanding was all forgiven and we are back together now for good, all thanks to, I would highly recommend his services, they do really, really work. Lynda.
4/16/2014 2:37 AM
who ever is reading this testimony today should please celebrate with me
and my family because it all started like a joke to some people and others
said it was impossible. my name is Michael i live in Chicago i am happily
married with two kids and a lovely wife something terrible happen to my
family along the line, i lost my job and my wife packed out of my house
because i was unable to take care of her and my kids at that particular
time. i manage all through five years, no wife to support me to take care
of the children and there come a faithful day that i will never forget in
my life i met an old friend who i explain all my difficulties to, and he
took me to a spell caster and and the name of the temple is called, DR
Okundonor, i was assure that everything will be fine and my wife will come
back to me after the wonderful work of Dr Okundonorgreatspell, my wife
came back to me and today i am one of the richest man in my country. i
advice you if you have any problem email him with this email: and you will have the best result. take
things for granted and it will be take from you. i wish you all the best.
4/16/2014 9:28 AM
Hello my name is john,I know a great spell caster who helped me when I
had problem with my wife if you need a right place to solve your
problems contact DR WISEMANREVEALSPELL is the right choice. he is a great
man that have been casting spells with years of experience. he cast spells
for different purposes like.
(1) If you want your ex back.
(2) if you always have bad dreams.
(3) You want to be promoted in your office.
(4) You want women/men to run after you.
(5) If you want a child.
(6) You want to be rich.
(7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
(8) If you need financial assistance.
(9) Herbal care.
4/16/2014 9:31 AM
You that is reading my testimony i want you to have the faith that it will also work for you the reason why am saying this. my husband left me for 6moths i never thought that he will come back to me because i tried all i can. he refuse to come back home. i was so confuse about my life. i was living in a sad life because there is no husband to cope with. a friend told me about dr. anu how he help her. that he is real grate caster the reason why i believe in her because she don't lie to me she is good friend of mine. that how i email dr anu for help after 3 days he bring back my husband to me. my heart is full of joy because dr anu did a grate work in my life. his email; anuspiritualhome@gmail.commy
4/20/2014 2:01 AM
i got my man back with the help of dr Simon. i never new such thing will happen in my life because i has be cheated by so many spell caster on till this man was sent to me by God called dr Simon who bring my man back to me. you out there ready this testimony you have to be careful so that you will not be cheat by cheaters claim to be spell casters.
i has been strangling to get my man back because he left me and my 2kids for long time, all the responsibility in my matrimonial home was taking by me ever since my man left me. i do all i can for him to come back i was also cheat by some spell caster. upon all that there was no way out on till i was direct to dr Simon. today i am happy that dr Simon bring my man back to me. do not be deceived by fake casters Simon is well trust and believe you can reach him for help.
4/20/2014 2:12 AM
i am Roda i want to say a big thanks to dr anu for restore my family it has been a long time now my husband left home for no reason, he went and stay with another lady. and i tried all i can he insist not to come back home even a lot of spell caster cheated me because i want my husband back all was in vain. but am happy today that i found someone who restore my family and bring back my husband. called dr anu, i believe that your time will come and you will also have your heart desire
after reading my testimony. my promise to dr anu is to shear his grate name to the word because i can not pay for all he has don for me. his email,
4/20/2014 2:13 AM
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